jeff1evesque / machine-learning

Web-interface + rest API for classification and regression (
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Implement mongodb collection validator #2986

Open jeff1evesque opened 7 years ago

jeff1evesque commented 7 years ago

We need to implement a mongodb collection validator, to ensure any inserted, or updated document, conform to a standard structure. This means, we'll need to define validators for each implemented algorithm.

jeff1evesque commented 7 years ago

Since this application pertains to supervised learning (unsupervised learning, may be integrated in the coming future), during an initial data_new session, we will require users to provide a corresponding validation schema, which will be used on the current dataset, and future data_append sessions.

jeff1evesque commented 7 years ago

We need to add a single form element, for the web-interface, allowing users to upload a json schema, for a given data_new session. This schema will be used to validate the current data_new, and successive data_append sessions, to ensure well formed dataset(s), for corresponding supervised learning.

jeff1evesque commented 7 years ago

When this issue is finalized, we will need to redo the logic per, and instead directly query the corresponding json schema, proposed in this issue, in order to obtain the following: