jeff1evesque / machine-learning

Web-interface + rest API for classification and regression (
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Implement clustered animation for current models #3176

Open jeff1evesque opened 6 years ago

jeff1evesque commented 6 years ago

When users are logged in, and have previously stored models, then our current <AnimateCollisions> component, should be replaced with a clustered representation of all models, stored by the current user. This means, all models, of the same type (i.e. svm, svr, etc.) will aggregate together, with the same color.

jeff1evesque commented 6 years ago

We may choose another cluster animation. However, any variation of these animations will require updating the syntax to d3js v4, as well as making the necessary elements within a react lifecycle.

jeff1evesque commented 6 years ago

We can size the radius of each node, based on how many predictions of been made from the model. If the model has been saved, and no predictions have been made from it, then it will default to a fixed radius.

jeff1evesque commented 6 years ago

Our next milestone 0.8 will be application development heavy. Therefore, for the sake of organization, we'll relocate this, and related application development issues.