jeff1evesque / raspberry-pi

Raspberry Pi connects ZigBee wireless devices to an apache server.
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Install LAMP stack on Raspberry Pi #4

Closed jeff1evesque closed 9 years ago

jeff1evesque commented 9 years ago

We will install a LAMP stack on our Raspberry Pi:

# LAMP (with phpmyadmin):
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql-server 
sudo apt-get install mysql-client php5-mysql
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

# Python MySQL driver
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

Note: MariaDB still requires several issues before it can be safely be used on the Raspberry Pi, therefore we have decided to use MySQL for the time being.

IRC #maria (12/04/14 ~ 11:40am EST):

jeffreylevesque: i'd like to use this db on the raspberry pi jeffreylevesque: can someone assist me determine the necessary package manager to make this happen?

lazyPower: jeffreylevesque, yeah that all depends if anyone in the community for raspbian has compiled mariadb against armv4(?) lazyPower: then it has to undergo the package review before it gets included in the raspbian repositories lazyPower: jeffreylevesque, lazyPower: jeffreylevesque, i'm thinking if you file a bug as a feature request, it might be possible to add a raspberry pi build bot to get you a package. Depends on interest and time im' sure.

dbart: jeffreylevesque, we've thought about building and providing packages and repos for small systems like rasp-pi, cubie-truck and others, but we haven't ... yet

jeffreylevesque: ah, that would be cool jeffreylevesque: i understand, it's a lot of work

dbart: yes, it would be cool, and yes, it's just a matter of resources (time, mostly)

jeffreylevesque: is there an issue up somewhere either on raspbian, or mariadb for this jeffreylevesque: i'd like to use mariadb in the future jeffreylevesque: i think i will resort to mysql for now

dbart: go to and search for raspberry dbart: there are a couple of issues that show up, so people are building/using MariaDB on the raspberry pi dbart: ...but right now it's a strictly build-your-own experience

grknight: it is possible to use mariadb on RPi with Gentoo grknight: jeffreylevesque: ^^^

jeffreylevesque: i think it is possible on arch linux too

IRC #raspbian (12/04/14 ~ 12:30pm EST):

effreylevesque: is there an issue to add 'mariadb' to the raspbian package manager?

diederik: jeffreylevesque: are you using wheezy? diederik: does /etc/apt/sources.list contain wheezy or jessie? diederik: wheezy is a codename for a debian/raspbian release

jeffreylevesque: wheezy

diederik: mariadb is only available for jessie diederik: diederik: since you're running wheezy, you can't install mariadb-server

jeffreylevesque: is it possible to have raspbian jessie? jeffreylevesque: if so, how do i install mariadb?

diederik: yes. change 'wheezy' to 'jessie' in /etc/apt/sources.list and do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' diederik: and then you can just install mariadb like you tried before

jeffreylevesque: is it stable enough you think, or too difficult to tell jeffreylevesque: also, will i break my OS at all if i switch from wheezy to jessie?

diederik: depends on your level of experience. diederik: jessie is what is now called testing, so it likely is not as stable as wheezy, which is the current stable diederik: but jessie is in freeze, meaning it's getting ready to become the next stable (in about 6 months or so)

jeff1evesque commented 9 years ago

This issue has been resolved.