The code here to tests for polygon on polygon collision takes into account that second polygon can be fully inside first polygon. It checks if a point of poly2 is inside poly1. the issue is that it doesn't check if first polygon is inside second.
boolean polyPoly(PVector[] p1, PVector[] p2) {
// go through each of the vertices, plus the next
// vertex in the list
int next = 0;
for (int current=0; current<p1.length; current++) {
// get next vertex in list
// if we've hit the end, wrap around to 0
next = current+1;
if (next == p1.length) next = 0;
// get the PVectors at our current position
// this makes our if statement a little cleaner
PVector vc = p1[current]; // c for "current"
PVector vn = p1[next]; // n for "next"
// now we can use these two points (a line) to compare
// to the other polygon's vertices using polyLine()
boolean collision = polyLine(p2, vc.x,vc.y,vn.x,vn.y);
if (collision) return true;
// optional: check if the 2nd polygon is INSIDE the first
collision = polyPoint(p1, p2[0].x, p2[0].y);
if (collision) return true;
return false;
Now some code I wrote in Typescript that allows to test for both cases since you only need to check one vertex of each polygon inside the other one:
public collidesWithPolygon(polygon : PolygonCollider) {
if (this.collidesWithPoint(polygon.vertices[0]) || polygon.collidesWithPoint(this.vertices[0])) {
return true;
for (const s1 of this.edges) {
for (const s2 of polygon.edges) {
if (this.segmentsIntersect2(s1, s2)) {
return true;
return false;
The code here to tests for polygon on polygon collision takes into account that second polygon can be fully inside first polygon. It checks if a point of poly2 is inside poly1. the issue is that it doesn't check if first polygon is inside second.
Now some code I wrote in Typescript that allows to test for both cases since you only need to check one vertex of each polygon inside the other one: