jeffThompson / CreativeProgramming1

An introductory course exploring code as a tool for creative making
71 stars 15 forks source link

William Grzybowski: 10 PRINT CHR$ #26

Closed Grzyboy closed 7 years ago

Grzyboy commented 7 years ago

Honestly, I find the fact that somebody was able to write a book about a single line of code to be amazing. The fact that a single line of code could have such a far reaching impact is really astounding. The amount that they were able to break down the code, and differentiate between having a space and not having a space, and the meanings for each of those.

I never really thought about the layout of what symbols go where in the ASCII scheme, and the simplicity of the code is in part due to the forward and back slashes being one number after each other. Were the forward and back slashes been located further apart, there would have needed to be slightly more complicated code to determine what symbol would be placed. This code would have had to involve multiplication, and possibly an if statement.