jeffbass / imagezmq

A set of Python classes that transport OpenCV images from one computer to another using PyZMQ messaging.
MIT License
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Provision for authentication #42

Open assman opened 3 years ago

assman commented 3 years ago


Just wanted to check, is there any built in provision for authentication? Any advice on how to secure our setup in general?

I would like to setup some form of basic authentication where the server only processes the frames received from a legitimate client that I have deployed.

jeffbass commented 3 years ago

Hi @assman, imageZMQ has no provision for authentication. It does not have any security provisions at all. I designed it and use it for sending images between Raspberry Pi computers and image hubs that are all behind a firewall. ZMQ does have a lot of security choices that will show up on a Google search. But I won't be adding any security to imageZMQ. You may want to fork this repository and add security features to it. Or it may be easier to start fresh using some of the existing ZMQ security libraries that are available. If you do find a good solution for your use case, it would be great if you could share it back on this thread. Thanks, Jeff

assman commented 3 years ago

Thanks Jeff! I'll be sure to post here if I find something useful regarding authentication.