jeffbass / imagezmq

A set of Python classes that transport OpenCV images from one computer to another using PyZMQ messaging.
MIT License
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to node in one element or another #58

Open haviduck opened 3 years ago

haviduck commented 3 years ago

heya, first off thanks for teaching me zmq and sharing the fruits of your many hours of work.

i wanted a more robust alternative to mjpeg and this delivers, but my clients run on electron apps so i had to tinker a bit to get the bufferarray into a blob before passing it as src in an img element. that approach turned into a leaky, queued solution. i tried alot of different approaches on passing it directly to a videoplayer or canvas but it would not work. i dont know enough about opencv, jpegs and bgrs to figure it out and im wondering if you or anyone else have a nifty solution up their sleeves.