I am trying to add a table view that uses a combination of PHP and MYSQL to pull in data to display. I added the Table View just fine, however when I click an item in the table it doesn't display the View that contains all the content. Is there something I need to add in the app.js for it to work. The table view currently has the following code which displays an error.
table.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var index = e.index;
Ti.API.log('Row at index:' + index + " " +array[index].img1);
var osname = Ti.Platform.osname, version = Ti.Platform.version, height = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight, width = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth;
var Window;
if (osname === 'android') {
Window = require('ui/Application_Coupon_Detail');
} else {
Window = require('ui/Application_Coupon_Detail');
new Window().open();
I am trying to add a table view that uses a combination of PHP and MYSQL to pull in data to display. I added the Table View just fine, however when I click an item in the table it doesn't display the View that contains all the content. Is there something I need to add in the app.js for it to work. The table view currently has the following code which displays an error.