jeffc / hassmic-integration

The Integration for HassMic
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Add ability to use as an 'official' device so tha timers can be used #1

Open dinki opened 1 month ago

dinki commented 1 month ago

Timers are available today on ESPHome and Wyoming voice satellites that are connected to the latest version of Home Assistant. If you use the firmware we provided for the Atom Echo Dev Kit or the ESP32-S3 Box 3, update to the latest version for timer support.

Adding this functionality would make life easier and would allow for using built in HA functionality which will probably be supported better than homebrewed code (eg View Assist timers blueprint).

jeffc commented 1 month ago

Okay, so I think the answer is "yes" -- it just requires registering the hassmic device as a "timer device" (code here) and then registering a "timer event handler" (esphome's example).

That's all pretty straightforward. The less straightforward part is what to do with the timer events when they come in. Update a sensor? fire an event? I'm not really sure.

dinki commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately I don't know. Let me ask Mike if he can share the code that allows for showing these timers on a web page.

dinki commented 1 month ago

Sent him a message. Take a look at th edemo video from a while back: