jeffc / hassmic-integration

The Integration for HassMic
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Configure state value to not include #3

Closed dinki closed 1 month ago

dinki commented 1 month ago

Can you consider changing the _state device from:


to something without start in the name like :


This simple change should allow for View Assist dashboard to be changed only slightly to allow for the visual 'listening' bar to be shown for users using hassmic.

jeffc commented 1 month ago

@dinki - I added a simple_state sensor in c7f8847 that can take the following values (all of the form "stage-status"):

As written, we only stay in the tts-speaking phase very briefly, since the pipeline doesn't wait for the speech to finish speaking before it starts listening again.

dinki commented 1 month ago

This is working great with View Assist. Thank you for including. Closing this issue.