jeffcarp / chinesedict

A fast web frontend to CC-EDICT
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Example phrases containing a word #33

Open brainwo opened 1 week ago

brainwo commented 1 week ago

I would like to see this being added, just like in Jisho:


jeffcarp commented 1 week ago

Do you mean also organizing the examples by which usage they refer to? I know Pleco has this. CEDICT doesn't have this level of information, nor does any free dictionary dataset I know of.

brainwo commented 1 week ago

It looks like HanziGraph generate example sentences using LLM. I'm not sure about the quality though.

  • OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo model generated example sentences for ~80,000 words and characters.

jeffcarp commented 1 week ago

Currently the site loads the entire dictionary on the frontend since I wanted it to be as snappy as possible and ideally avoid a backend server. Adding examples would make the dictionary unsustainably large[^1], so a refactor is required. You can see more of my thinking in #15.

I started making a Go version of this app in order to accomplish this (you can try it here:, however I'm still not fully satisfied with the UX. Moving forward, it might make sense to combine the full-dictionary frontend search from the static site version ( into the Go version.

[^1]: In the Go version, the uncompressed dictionary size is 47MB.

jeffcarp commented 1 week ago

The Go version has examples pulled from Tatoeba, if you want to try it out (there's no formatting or anything yet): \

Getting examples specifically for each usage of of a word (your original request) sounds like a non-trivial amount of work, but it would be very useful.

jeffcarp commented 3 days ago

Moving forward, it might make sense to combine the full-dictionary frontend search from the static site version ( into the Go version.

Ok I did this in a very hacky way to try it out:

Getting examples specifically for each usage of of a word (your original request) sounds like a non-trivial amount of work, but it would be very useful.

@brainwo would you have any interest in helping me aggregate all this data?