Hi there! I'm not sure if you're able to help, but I'd love it if you could check over my screenshots and see if you've got any ideas of why I'm having a responsive video issue. I tried embedding a video video into a Wordpress site im currently working on and it keeps snapping to smaller sizes when the browser gets smaller instead of staying fluid. When viewing it on a mobile device or at a mobile size in the browser, it snaps to a tiny thumbnail instead of staying the full width of the screen. Any ideas as to how to fix this on my end?
Here are some screenshots of the issue:
Thanks so much! This code is really great--I appreciate it!!
Hi there! I'm not sure if you're able to help, but I'd love it if you could check over my screenshots and see if you've got any ideas of why I'm having a responsive video issue. I tried embedding a video video into a Wordpress site im currently working on and it keeps snapping to smaller sizes when the browser gets smaller instead of staying fluid. When viewing it on a mobile device or at a mobile size in the browser, it snaps to a tiny thumbnail instead of staying the full width of the screen. Any ideas as to how to fix this on my end?
Here are some screenshots of the issue:
Thanks so much! This code is really great--I appreciate it!!