jefffhaynes / XBee

A .NET library for XBee wireless controllers
MIT License
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Getting Started. Need some enlightenment. #9

Closed PaulNoto closed 8 years ago

PaulNoto commented 8 years ago

Hi Jeff, Thank you for doing all the heavy lifting involved with creating this XBee library. I'm going to use it going forward. However, I'm having some issues I hope you will help me with.

My development environment is a Windows 10 Pro Box and Visual Studio 2015 Community, and your XBee Library

I have experience with XBees and I am switching over from a netduino solution to a PC based solution because the creator of the netduino hasn't been heard from for over 6 months.

The last issue in this list is the one I'm stuck on and can't figgure out. I have overcome all the others by using the source code to the XBee library in my test project and making modifications as required.


1. Failed to open COM4 with ZNetZigBeeS2 not supported.

Not a problem because these are the old XBees that have reached End of Life and I had already orderd S2C versions for this project. However, they have been available for years and I was wondering why you don't support them?

2. Failed to open COM4 with 46 not supported.

This is a S2C XBee that I just received from DigiKey PN:602-1558-ND MFPN:XB24CZ7SIT-004 with a Hardware Version of 2E43. 2E Hex = 46 Dec. I modified the HardwareVersion.cs file because it only contained an enum for: XBee24S2C = 0x22. I added: XBee24C = 0x2E. I also had to modify the XBeeController.cs file: CreateNode switch statement to include, case HardwareVersion.XBee24C: return new XBeeSeries2( this, HardwareVersion.XBee24C, address ); and that solved the issue. FYI: I ordered 3 different types of XBees: RPSMA, UFL, and PCB Antenna. They all start the Hardware Version with 2E.

3. Sleeping End Devices are not found during Network Discovery.

This is to be expected. I didn't find anything in the readme file addressing this issue. I solved it by manualy adding the node after network discovery:

await controller.DiscoverNetwork();
AddLog( "END network discovery" );
endPorch = await controller.GetRemoteNodeAsync( new NodeAddress( new LongAddress( ulong.Parse( "0013A20040D967EC", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ) ), new ShortAddress( ushort.Parse( "7D34", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ) ) ) );
endPorch.SampleReceived += ( node, sample ) => AddLog( cntr1++.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " End_Porch Sample: " + sample.DigitalSampleState.ToString() );
AddLog( "End_Porch Added to controller" );

I'm OK with this. However their must be a shorter way of doing this that I didn't find. Also, these sleeping nodes eventualy send a sample to the controller and I was wondering how to catch a transmission from a new network node so I can have software add it to a list of unknown nodes and then add it to my network with my user interface. That way I don't have to use X-CTU to get it's info first.

4. My sample data coming in from all my XBees says "none" by the time it gets to AddLog(). A Router is sending samples and 2 End Devices are sending samples. This is the one I'm stuck on. I know they are sending DIO input pin states. I just can't figure out where in the library the data is disapearing. Is there more I need to configure when a Node is added? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Paul

jefffhaynes commented 8 years ago

Hey Paul, thanks for the info. I've added your new hardware info and I'll push a new package soon.

On the sample thing it depends what you're sending but any chance it's showing up on DataReceived instead of SampleReceived?

PaulNoto commented 8 years ago

I'm only getting SampleReceived events. In controller.NodeDiscoverd ( Which does find the Router ) I add event handlers for SampleReceived and DataReceived. The only events I get are SampleReceived.

I'm confident of my XBee configuration. I have had them running reliably for years with the Netduino and GBee Library.

Where in your code should I set a breakpoint to see when the decision is made that causes your code to decide that no Pin State info was sent with the sample. I know the Nodes are sending the Pin State with the sample to the controller. Somehow it gets lost in translation.