jeffh / Fox

Property Based Testing Library for Objective-C and Swift. QuickCheck for Apple's Platforms.
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[RFC] FOXRunner should have a runForTimeInterval: option #19

Open modocache opened 9 years ago

modocache commented 9 years ago

In addition to being able to configure how many times FOXRunner tests a property, it might be interesting to be able to specify how long it should test a property.

This would be useful in environments in which time is a limiting resource, such as when faced with a ballooning test suite. If I have 100 property-based tests, it would be nice to be able to specify that Fox should spend one second per test, and no more. That way, as I add tests, the time it takes to execute the test suite will increase at a linear, controllable rate.

jeffh commented 9 years ago

I think this is a great idea! Although it might be easier for 1.1.0 to be a weak time (like runloop behaviors). This means Fox can bail out after a test finishes running.