jeffh / Fox

Property Based Testing Library for Objective-C and Swift. QuickCheck for Apple's Platforms.
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Project name? #3

Closed modocache closed 9 years ago

modocache commented 9 years ago

I'm thinking PBT is going to be a focal point of the talk I'm giving at Functional Swift Conference. Get ready for some README and documentation updates, if nothing else!

But I was wondering about the name: "PBT". Is this a codename, or is it a name you're attached to? If the former, let's brainstorm!

modocache commented 9 years ago

My suggestion: something approachable, like "Easy", or "Nice". Adopting property-based testing involves a mental hurdle; might as well make the name non-threatening! :wink:

jeffh commented 9 years ago

PBT is definitely a code name. I'm all up for better names! I do prefer something slightly more googleable than a common word people say though. A google search term of: "<name> objective-c" should be reasonable.

Send all the PRs! :)


modocache commented 9 years ago

OK, definitely can see your point of view there! "easy objective-c" seems like it would return a bunch of results outside of this library.

Too tired to think of a bunch of ideas, but one suggestion: "Cheque". More to come.

modocache commented 9 years ago

Some ideas:

jeffh commented 9 years ago

I'm leaning more towards Fox (which also makes a good namespace prefix). I'll probably do a massive rename on Wednesday evening when I have more free time.

modocache commented 9 years ago

moar names!


jeffh commented 9 years ago

I renamed it to Fox. Now I just need fancy image/logo/title :+1:

modocache commented 9 years ago

Nice! I can put you in touch with the person who did Quick's logo, if you're interested!

jeffh commented 9 years ago

Yes please. Thanks!