jeffheaton / encog-java-core
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Evaluate adding LSTM network to Encog #165

Closed jeffheaton closed 5 years ago

jeffheaton commented 10 years ago

There have been several requests to add a LSTM network to Encog. Some discussion of it here.

Wikipedia Entry: More formal description:

At this point I am unfamiliar with this architecture, so I am adding this issue to track it. Any suggestions/comments are welcome.

Initial thoughts... could this be implemented with the freeform networks. Or would it be better to create a new MLMethod.

wilbown commented 10 years ago

+1 to this

automenta commented 9 years ago

would it be possible to adapt this code:

to do something like Encog's FreeformNetwork.createElman:

szymanowski commented 9 years ago
SeverinAlexB commented 9 years ago

+1 too

cognivator commented 9 years ago

another +1

I've been meaning to take a stab at extending Encog with LSTM for some time, now.

Joshuaalbert commented 8 years ago

I'm working on this also. Any collaborators willing to bandy ideas about?

UPDATE: I have it working with encog using freeform networks. I'm using blocks of training rates as per for the different gates. Anyone interested can contact me :)


Turakar commented 8 years ago


What's the status of your work? Can you publish it in a repository?

Joshuaalbert commented 8 years ago

@Turakar It is nearly working. Working on a temporal connectionist training for it, to allow unaligned pattern training.

automenta commented 8 years ago

our latest version is here, it's pure java (not involving any encog). it has an experimental continuous / online learning mode

it would be nice to add the new Grid LSTM also

zjuhasz commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this? I'd really like to see it added.

automenta commented 6 years ago

i dont have any updates with any LSTM code. but here's a new variation that might be good too:

jeffheaton commented 5 years ago

I am going to close at this point, as I am not actively looking at adding every possible algorithm to Encog. At this point I am mainly adding ones that I have need of and are not well represented elsewhere. Also, it sounds like LSTM's future may be uncertain, based on several sources, but summarized nicely here: