jeffheaton / encog-java-core
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Any OpenCL HSA support ? #174

Closed eix128 closed 6 years ago

eix128 commented 10 years ago

Hello , do you have any plan for OpenCL and HSA support ?

eix128 commented 10 years ago

AMD has released Aparapi for Java that makes so easy OpenCL and HSA development. Maybe it makes more easy to migrate OpenCL Here is some AMD APARAPI Examples:

eix128 commented 9 years ago

With aparapi , you write code once and runs on OpenCL or CPU Concurrent stack. That will be so good for Encog.

jeffheaton commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I will look at aparapi. I've also considered adding a Linear algebra package, such as BLAS/CUBLAS that also contains a GPU version.

eix128 commented 9 years ago

There is better library open sourced now. ArrayFire open sourced now :)

eix128 commented 9 years ago These , there is also java binding currently but i heard they make new java array fire binding.

The advantage of array fire is , its also optimized for cuda and OpenCL

eix128 commented 9 years ago

i don't know , it can be combination array fire + aparapi maybe. It depends on performance and scalability

jeffheaton commented 6 years ago

At this point I really do not have the time to take the rather large undertaking of adding GPU support to Encog. More info here: