jeffheaton / t81_558_deep_learning

T81-558: Keras - Applications of Deep Neural Networks @Washington University in St. Louis
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tools.yml: Added pip as a dependancy #101

Closed xtianolsen closed 3 years ago

xtianolsen commented 3 years ago

The proposed change enabled me to avoid the following warning and complete the tensor flow installation:

Warning: you have pip-installed dependencies in your environment file, but you do not list pip itself as one of your conda dependencies. Conda may not use the correct pip to install you packages, and they may end up in the wrong place. Please add an explicit pip dependency. I'm adding one for you, but still nagging you.

Without the change, the warning kept repeating and I could not progress past the "conda env update --file tools.yml " command.

jeffheaton commented 3 years ago

Thanks, that worked great!