jeffijoe / awilix

Extremely powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Node.JS
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Feature: container scoped singletons #131

Closed derek-rmd closed 5 years ago

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago

Why: to have behavior like SINGLETON, but to be able to introduce a new SINGLETON for a container and all it's children.


Possible Names: Lifetime.INHERIT, Lifetime.SCOPED_SINGLETON, ???

it('inherits instances in child containers', function() {
  const root = createContainer();
  const container = root.createScope()
  let scopedCounter = 1
    inherited: asFunction(() => scopedCounter++).inherit()
  // parent, child and grandchild share same instance
  const child = container.createScope()
  const grandChild = child.createScope()
  // another child can replace with own instance
  const otherChild = container.createScope()
    inherited: asFunction(() => 10 + scopedCounter++).inherit()
  // and even if grandchild is resolved first
  const otherGrandChild = otherChild.createScope()
  // then the child should share the same instance
  // container and original child won't be affected by other child replacements


Scoped Lifetime was a bit wacky before v4.0.0. Compared to UnityContainer (see below) it was a mix of ContainerControlled and Hierarchical

if you resolve the dep on the container it was registered it behaves like ContainerControlled. All child containers will get the same instance.


if you resolved on the children first, it behaves like Hierarchical


The change in v4 (#92) makes the behavior consistent. Now Lifetime.SCOPED behaves like Hierarchical. I think supporting behavior like ContainerControlled is needed for completeness.

Awesome library btw! Thanks!



ContainerControlledLifetimeManager Unity returns the same instance each time the Resolve(...) method is called or when the dependency mechanism injects the instance into other classes. Per Container lifetime allows a registration of an existing or resolved object as a scoped singleton in the container it was created or registered. In other words this instance is unique within the container it war registered with. Child or parent containers could have their own instances registered for the same contract.

HierarchicalLifetimeManager A special lifetime manager which works like ContainerControlledLifetimeManager, except that in the presence of child containers, each child gets it's own instance of the object, instead of sharing one in the common parent.

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago

I found an alternative approach as a workaround, that is really simple. Rather than a new Lifetime and having to lookup the family tree, I just memoized the resolver. I'm not certain but I think only TRANSIENT should be used to avoid other caching, SINGLETON would break overrides.

  inherited: resolveOnce(asFunction(() => scopedCounter++)),

// Helpers
function resolveOnce(resolver) {
  resolver.resolve = once(resolver.resolve);
  return resolver;

function once(func) {
  let ran = false;
  let memo;
  return function() {
    if (ran) return memo;
    ran = true;
    memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
    func = null;
    return memo;

However, I'm not sure, but I don't think this will work with dispose, without some additional ref counting.

jeffijoe commented 5 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve that the SINGLETON lifetime doesn't do? Do you have a concrete example of a use case where the current set of lifetime managers fall short?

If I am not mistaken (I haven't used Unity in years):

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago

Hi @jeffijoe, I just updated the proposal, as the test given would of passed with singleton and the definitions weren't clear.

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago

The problem with singletons is that sibling or child containers can't register their own instances (using singleton, so that their children also inherit). Children can register their own instances if not singletons, but then any grandchildren won't be able to inherit.

it('inherits instances in child containers', function() {
  const root = createContainer();
  let scopedCounter = 1;

  const container1 = root.createScope();
    inherited: asFunction(() => scopedCounter++).singleton(),
  const child1 = container2.createScope();
  expect(child1.cradle.inherited).toBe(1); // FAILS if transient or scoped

  const container2 = root.createScope();
    inherited: asFunction(() => scopedCounter++).singleton(),
  const child2 = container2.createScope();
  // one of these will fail
  expect(container2.cradle.inherited).toBe(2); // FAILS if singleton. receives 1
  expect(child2.cradle.inherited).toBe(2); // FAILS if transient or scoped. receives 3
jeffijoe commented 5 years ago

Yeah this is because the resolutions are cached by registration name.

Implementation-wise, do you have any ideas how this would work?

More importantly, do you have a concrete use case where this makes sense? πŸ˜„ Adding another lifetime makes the complexity go up and learning curve steeper.

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago
  • Lifetime.SINGLETON is the same as ContainerControlledLifetimeManager
  • Lifetime.SCOPED is the same as HierarchicalLifetimeManager
  • Lifetime.TRANSIENT is the same as TransientLifetimeManager

SINGLETON is different from ContainerControlledLifetimeManager because it doesn't allow for nesting singletons. It is actually more like SingletonLifetimeManager -- except in awilix you can override with transient or scoped, but just not singleton, and in unity overrides will replace the singleton for all. (both approaches have their pros/cons imo)

Child or parent containers could have their own instances registered for the same contract.

(from Unity.Lifetime.ContainerControlledLifetimeManager - Remarks section)

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago

I get that you want to avoid added complexity. I was actually surprised this issue wasn't raised already since I it follows a common approach to structuring web/ui applications.

usecase: module1 and module2, have a common parent root, and each have their own children that need to share the store

const root = createContainer().register('id',123);
// ...
const module1 = root.createScope().register('store', asFunction(store1Factory).inherit())
// ...
const module2 = root.createScope().register('store', asFunction(store2Factory).inherit())

Implementation wise it INHERIT should be able to be done similarly to how SINGLETON was done pre v4, by walking up the parent containers. I would need to think about it more, and i'm pretty curious about if the memorization technique i used might be more appropriate (ie. cache on the resolver instead of the container). One of the areas i've been thinking on is wrt to extending Awilix to do Modules like Angular/InversifyJS, where you would end up doing something like container.register(moduleContainer.registrations) (container may already have a parent), and I've just started so nothing clear yet what approaches work and which don't.

derek-rmd commented 5 years ago

btw @jeffijoe, what were your main influences for awilix? My interest is with the browser-side only and I really like how it has great utility but still manages to be simple (proxy ftw!). (great blog articles btw)

jeffijoe commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the kind words! πŸ˜„

I've steered clear of "module" systems in DI frameworks personally. It's why I consider Awilix a library and not a framework β€” you can build the module system yourself on top using scopes probably. I wouldn't want to add an opinionated module system when I'm not using it myself.

I would argue that in your example, you should be registering them as different names instead of overriding. πŸ˜„

My main influence was in fact Unity! I started using Node coming from C# / ASP.NET Web API and I couldn't find a DI library that was simple but unobtrusive (didn't litter your code with annotations library annotations) so I had to build it myself.

Awilix v1 was literally just passing in the container object and dereferencing, all things were singleton because you registered instances, not resolvers. Then I saw the Proxy API and thought that would work and Awilix v2 was born.

I use Awilix for server-side JS only, and I use classic mode instead of Proxy because it's more idiomatic TypeScript.

jeffijoe commented 5 years ago

Regarding your resolver approach, that's actually the main benefit of the resolver system, you can compose them! You might want to use the buildResolver utility to make your resolver factory immutable.

Here's an example of a time-based caching resolver. I use this for my external data stores that cache everything internally but after a certain amount of time I create a new store with an empty cache.

Note that some resolvers will not be compatible with disposers. With a little extra work put into the resolver you can make it so, but not something that can be assumed by the library.

import {
} from 'awilix'

const CachingMap = require('caching-map')

 * Options for the TTL Resolver.
export interface TtlResolverOpts {
  ttl: number

 * A resolver that caches the resolution of the inner resolver
 * for a specific amount of time.
 * This does not alter the behavior of Scoped or Singleton lifetimes, that is
 * if the resolved value is still cached by the lifetime manager by the time the TTL
 * runs out, the lifetime-cached value is still used.
 * This resolver is useful for caching stores for short periods of time.
 * @param resolver the inner resolver.
 * @param opts.ttl time to live in milliseconds.
export function withTimeToLive<T>(
  resolver: Resolver<T>,
  opts: TtlResolverOpts
): BuildResolver<T> & DisposableResolver<T> {
  const ttl = opts.ttl
  const cache = new CachingMap(Infinity)
  return createDisposableResolver(
      resolve(container) {
        if (cache.has('value')) {
          return cache.get('value')
        const value =
        cache.set('value', value, { ttl })
        return value
    } as Resolver<T>)
jeffijoe commented 5 years ago

@derek-rmd I'm going to close this for now, without a common use case I'm not comfortable adding another lifetime type, simply because of adding more cognitive overhead for people new to the concept of DI containers β€” we already got a bad rep for "over complicating things" πŸ˜‚

klausXR commented 4 years ago


I'm working on an experimental code organization pattern for GraphQL applications following DDD principles, and this issue seems to be of particular interest to me.

I'm trying to integrate this library, which is essential for building scalable apis with GraphQL.

I will leave out the internals from here, you can glance over the docs, if interested, for the specifics, but in general, its used like this

You create Dataloaders for the entities that you wish to batch load, you put them within a factory function, and on every request to the GraphQL endpoint, they are initialized and injected through the GraphQL Context object. These dataloader objects are also supposed to be request scoped and short-lived ( after the request resolves, they are destroyed ).

Then, from within GraphQL Resolvers, they are used in a similar fashion

async resolve(_, __, context) {
    const product = await context.dataloaders.productById.load(1)

    return product

In the experiment that I am performing, this creates a little bit of an issue, because you are supposed to be using Repositories for queries, not these separate entities.

I would much rather have this variant

async resolver(_, __, context) {
    const productRepository = context.cradle.productRepository

    return productRepository.getProductById(1)

At first sight, it appears to me that, ideally, these Dataloader instances should be incorporated within the Repository, so that the batching functionality becomes an implementation detail of the Repository itself. So, each repository would have one or more instances of Dataloaders to work with.

This idea brings me here.

I am already using request scoped containers ( to provide the user object, and others).

If my Repository implementation follows similar pattern

class ProductRepository {
  constructor({ ... }) {
    // ...
   this.dataLoader = new Dataloader(...)

And the DataLoader must be request-scoped, it appears that I want a Request-scoped singleton of the ProductRepository class.

Because the GraphQL resolvers are called once per entity, calling container.resolve("productRepository") from a resolver would create a separate instance for each call, would create multiple instances, each with its own dataloader, but for the dataloader to actually work properly, you need to call .load on the same instance during the lifetime of the request, otherwise it will not batch anything.

The way that I am thinking about approaching this situation, which according to simple tests works, but I'm a first-timer with your library, is like so

const diContainer = awilix.createContainer()
  .register({ ... })

app.use("/api", graphqlHTTP(async (req, res) => {

    const container = diContainer.createScope()

            user: awilix.asValue(req.user),
            // Here I am instantiating the repository myself, passing in the `cradle` proxy
            // so that its constructor can resolve its dependencies, instead of passing them
            // directly from here
            productRepository: awilix.asValue(new ProductRepository(container.cradle)),

    return {
        context: {
            // Attach the request-scoped container to the context, so that
            // graphql resolves have access to it through the context object.
            cradle: container.cradle,

Is this okay?

The lengthy explanation is for a potential use-case example.

jeffijoe commented 4 years ago

You should be able to create a scope and use that scope to build your resolver instance the same way its done for Express/Koa

klausXR commented 4 years ago

Do you mean this kind of scope?

I'm supposed to register all dependencies when the application initializes and then create a scoped container on every request, adding the current user? If that is so, it seems like it would be perfect for me.

PS: You have done an amazing work on this library and its maintenance.

jeffijoe commented 4 years ago

Yes exactly as in that example! πŸ˜„