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Create Project Brief #1

Open jeffikus opened 8 months ago

jeffikus commented 8 months ago

Audit the current iteration of and decide how much to keep and what we're building moving forward.

Deliverable: simple project brief.

jeffikus commented 8 months ago
jeffikus commented 7 months ago
jeffikus commented 7 months ago

Site Content

The site right now is not very well organized. It's a mess of random thoughts, without a lot of structure. Even the homepage is largely a relic of experimentation with block since gutenberg came out. It's a mix of media and text blocks and cover block.

I want to give the following impression when folks visit; 1 - Who am I? 2 - What I've done/do 3 - Where I work and play online (GH, Twitter/X etc)


I'd like to make the site be more "pressable" like buttons. For example, each area (expect paragraphs) should look like you can click it or press it to perform some kind of action, like viewing a project or navigation to the Now page.

jeffikus commented 7 months ago


The current site has waaaay too many themes.

I'm running a multisite with some sites for few of my close friends for more than 10 years. So those themes need to stay.

jeffikus commented 2 months ago

Ended up just editing the site in production! :D I'm pretty happy how it came out, still quite a few tweaks to do based on the above including;

Keeping this open for now.