jefflau / jest-fetch-mock

Jest mock for fetch
MIT License
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Getting TypeError: isMocking is not a function or its return value is not iterable on vesion 3.0.3 #194

Closed pprasanth closed 3 years ago

pprasanth commented 3 years ago

Tried run test case with mock enabled for one of my action creator and failing due to isMocking is not a function or return value is not iterable.


whatwg-fetch "2.0.4"
jest-fetch-mock "3.0.3"

setupJest.js require('jest-fetch-mock').enableMocks(); code:

function fetchWithoutDispatch(url, config) {
  return fetch(url, config)
    .then((data) => {
      if (data.ok && data.status === 204) {
        return data;
      return data.json();

test code:

test('on fetchWrapper without dispatch', (Done) => {
    const args = {
      hideLoader: true,
    actionHelper.fetchIt(args).then((data) => {


● Common ActionHelper › on fetchWrapper without dispatch

    TypeError: isMocking is not a function or its return value is not iterable

      55 |
      56 | function fetchWithoutDispatch(url, config) {
    > 57 |   return fetch(url, config)
         |          ^
      58 |     .then((data) => {
      59 |       if (data.ok && data.status === 204) {
      60 |         return data;

      at ../../node_modules/jest-fetch-mock/src/index.js:96:29
      at fetchWithoutDispatch (src/actions/actionHelper.js:57:10)
cam8001 commented 3 years ago

Try adding

    "resetMocks": false,

to your package.json jest config as mentioned here:

I did and it resolved the issue.

Neruell commented 3 years ago

@cam8001 Thanks, that worked for me too.

ambroselittle commented 5 months ago

For those who actually want to use resetMocks, this approach worked for us. In your test setup file:

import fetchMock from 'jest-fetch-mock';

beforeEach(() => {
  // we have `resetMocks` as true, so between each test, it is reset
  // trial and error found that need to do both enable and do before each test

We previously had enableMocks set like this, but were seeing the error here. Adding the following doMock appears to "re-enable" them. From an API expectation POV, I'd expect enableMocks to do whatever doMock is doing, in that it would always re-enable, even if resetMocks is true. But anyhow, this is an OK enough work around and wanted to share for others who may not want to disable resetMocks.