jefflinwood / twilio_client_phonegap

Phonegap plugins for the Twilio Client iOS and Android SDKs
MIT License
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Plugman not installing plugin successfully for Android #19

Closed gulfpearl closed 9 years ago

gulfpearl commented 9 years ago

Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but after running plugman as per the instructions, this section of res/xml/config.xml does not get updated, I had to add it in manually.

<feature name="TCPlugin">
    <param name="android-package" value="com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient.TCPlugin"/>
jefflinwood commented 9 years ago


Thanks - can you quickly tell me which version of phonegap, plugman, and cordova you have?

plugman --version phonegap --version cordova --version

Thanks! Jeff

gulfpearl commented 9 years ago


I should mention I haven't used phonegap to build it, just cordova.

jefflinwood commented 9 years ago

I just verified that it properly installs the Android plugin on plugman 0.22.6 and 0.22.17 using:

plugman install --platform android --project platforms/android --plugin

Can you let me know which command you used to run it?

jefflinwood commented 9 years ago

Also, I'm just using cordova to create the apps - cordova 4.2.0

gulfpearl commented 9 years ago

Hi, after running plugman I just do cordova run android .. I'll do some debugging and see why its not working on my system, will update you by Friday, thanks for the help.

gulfpearl commented 9 years ago

Hi, I managed to install the plugin by using cordova, but with plugman it continues to fail. Below is the diff between the same project with voip using cordova and voip2 using plugman. Should have mentioned, its an Ionic project.

diff -r voip/platforms/android/assets/www/cordova_plugins.js voip2/platforms/android/assets/www/cordova_plugins.js
< module.exports = [
<     {
<         "file": "plugins/com.ionic.keyboard/www/keyboard.js",
<         "id": "com.ionic.keyboard.keyboard",
<         "clobbers": [
<             "cordova.plugins.Keyboard"
<         ]
<     },
<     {
<         "file": "plugins/org.apache.cordova.device/www/device.js",
<         "id": "org.apache.cordova.device.device",
<         "clobbers": [
<             "device"
<         ]
<     }
< ];
> module.exports = [];
<     "com.ionic.keyboard": "1.0.3",
<     "org.apache.cordova.console": "0.2.12",
<     "org.apache.cordova.device": "0.2.13",
Only in voip2/platforms/android/cordova: plugins
diff -r voip/plugins/android.json voip2/plugins/android.json
<                     ],
<                     "/widget": [
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<feature name=\"TCPlugin\"><param name=\"android-package\" value=\"com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient.TCPlugin\" /></feature>",
<                             "count": 1
<                         }
<                     ]
<                 }
<             },
<             "AndroidManifest.xml": {
<                 "parents": {
<                     "/manifest": [
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE\" />",
<                             "count": 1
<                         },
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE\" />",
<                             "count": 1
<                         },
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO\" />",
<                             "count": 1
<                         },
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS\" />",
<                             "count": 1
<                         }
<                     ],
<                     "/manifest/application": [
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<activity android:name=\"com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient.IncomingConnectionActivity\" android:theme=\"@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay\" />",
<                             "count": 1
<                         },
<                         {
<                             "xml": "<service android:exported=\"false\" android:name=\"com.twilio.client.TwilioClientService\" />",
<                             "count": 1
<                         }
<             "PACKAGE_NAME": "com.ionicframework.voip181781"
<         },
<         "com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient": {
Only in voip/plugins: com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient
gulfpearl commented 9 years ago

Was my mistake.