jefflinwood / twilio_client_phonegap

Phonegap plugins for the Twilio Client iOS and Android SDKs
MIT License
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I get "Class not found" in the status message. #31

Closed onigetoc closed 9 years ago

onigetoc commented 9 years ago

I get "Class not found" in the status message.

Any idea why i get this message?

jefflinwood commented 9 years ago


Can you see the Android logs on your project (adb logcat), or have it connected to Android Studio when you run it?

onigetoc commented 9 years ago

Hi, I tryed to create a Android Studio project but i can't run the simulator. in the plugin.xml info it said.

is this refering to ?: Witch files i need, should i point the path in the plugin.xml ? <source-file src=

I don't really get it when it comme to use command line or plugman and all these stuff. I just download all i need and configure manually.

I just created a Github project with all the files to get help. including all SDK, all needed file ect... even two php file to get token and twiml.php to create twiml

jefflinwood commented 9 years ago


I have an installation guide you can follow to get started here:

Thanks! Jeff Linwood

onigetoc commented 9 years ago

i will check it, If you can watch my project if you have time. It would be great to have the full project on Github.

I have to said that this one is based on modification from this fork

jefflinwood commented 9 years ago


That branch forked off my branch many commits ago, so I can't realistically support it.


onigetoc commented 9 years ago

Just the end of the tcPlugin.js has changed.