jefflinwood / twilio_client_phonegap

Phonegap plugins for the Twilio Client iOS and Android SDKs
MIT License
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ReferenceError: Cordova is not defined #59

Closed deepugn closed 7 years ago

deepugn commented 8 years ago


When i call Twilio.Device.setup(), i am getting a reference error when i test from ios emulator and browser. ReferenceError: Cordova is not defined I have included cordova.js in my index file. This may not be an issue, may be an error from my side, asking here since i don't have another option.

Let me tell the scenario, i am trying to make a softphone type of application for ios and android, using ionic framework and twilio, without a server component if possible.

Best Regards, Deepu.

jefflinwood commented 8 years ago


Have you tried the example app out with your set up?

You will need a server component to provide capability tokens for your app - take a look at the Twilio Client documentation.


deepugn commented 8 years ago


Thanks for the quick response, it now works, I've set up a server component for the capability token, but now the issue is that call is not getting past Cordova.exec() and call the native to execute the code.

I was trying to dial a number it reaches till the Cordova.exec(), but nothing happens after that, neither the call is connecting or any error logs coming up.

Cordova.exec(success, error, "TCPlugin", "deviceSetup", [token]); is throwing 'Generic Error'

What i am working on is an ionic project, is there a difference to that ?

Sorry to disturb you again, i am stuck at this point, it would be great if you could help me out.

Best Regards, Deepu.