jefflinwood / twilio_client_phonegap

Phonegap plugins for the Twilio Client iOS and Android SDKs
MIT License
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com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient gets added to package.json dependencies #93

Open bpowell15 opened 5 years ago

bpowell15 commented 5 years ago

Every time I add the plugins or readd my platforms com.phonegap.plugins.twilioclient is added to package.json, this then makes npm install and some build processes fail. Is there some way to prevent this line from being added to the dependencies section of my package.json? It seems an npm package with this name does not exist.

jefflinwood commented 5 years ago

Let me see what I can do with this - I think there is something I can do to make sure the plugin package matches the npm package.

bpowell15 commented 5 years ago

i think you just need to change this line to twilio-client-phonegap-plugin

bpowell15 commented 5 years ago

and maybe here as well