jeffmer / TTGO-T-watch-2020-Micropython-OS

All micropython watch software for TTGO T-watch 2020 V1, V2 & V3
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Stuck on "Loading..." #15

Open woofwoof opened 10 months ago

woofwoof commented 10 months ago


I followed all of your instructions explicitly - both on Windows (WSL) then on a native Ubuntu box. Both times I just got to the initial 'Loading' screen but nothing is happening beyond that. I have a Version 2 T-watch and I'm sure the configuration file is set up correctly. When I go to the Repl in Thonny I can also see all of the .mpy files there in the correct structure (I think) too.

I willy try running TempOS from the Repl rather than But before I do could you please tell me if I may be missing something or where to start to look beyond the Repl/execute TempOS steps please?

With thanks.

jeffmer commented 10 months ago

As you suggest, if you run it by typingimport loader into the REPL, you will hopefully see the error message that is stopping it working.

It’s possible some of the recent V3 updates have broken V2. Will try to check later today.

jeffmer commented 10 months ago

I recompiled and reloaded all the micropython modules on my V2 using and it all works fine. The most likely cause of your getting stuck is that there is an image or font file missing.

woofwoof commented 10 months ago


Ok, thanks for trying - that sounds like good news. I am curious though. Should I not be using and instead use I took a quick look at the scripts and it seems they're doing similar things? Just wondering where fits in please? I was following the instructions in the

Thanks so much. All the best.

jeffmer commented 10 months ago loads all the .mpy files. It’s for development as should install all the files you need. Saying that, it might be worth running in case the install script missed something. It will simply overwrite files if they are already loaded which is not a problem.

woofwoof commented 10 months ago


I debugged from the Repl. It worked. I believe the source of the problem was that TempOS requires an SD card to be inserted in Version 2 so it was throwing up an OS error as I hadn't inserted one! Furthermore, I had to use a smaller one reformatted to FAT. That seems to have ironed out the bug anyhow. If a line in TempOS could check if an SD card is inserted or not the error could be avoided or at the least could I please suggest this is mentioned in the

Anyhow, great work and thanks so much for your diligence.

All best.

jeffmer commented 10 months ago

OOPS - sorry about that. Really glad you got it to work. I will put a note in the README as an interim fix and put some error detection into the code when I get a chance.

woofwoof commented 10 months ago


Thanks for your efforts, no problem, at least we were able to get to the root of the issue. All seems to work well apart from the maps which aren't downloading? I'll open a new issue for that...

Thanks so much. All best.