jeffqchen / PS2EasyHDD

A 3D printed shell for PS2 Network Adapter that allows easy access to the hard drive.
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Cable length issue with SATA adapter v1.0 (info + fix) #9

Open juanmcasillas opened 2 months ago

juanmcasillas commented 2 months ago


First of all, thanks for your work, it's awesome. I found a weird problem while mounting the kit using the v 1.0 SATA adapter. It works with the short data wire (the wire used on the adapter) but when connected to the long data wire, some weird issues happens (sometimes PS2 won't detect the disk, other times the disk is read, games are listed but games doesn't load, and so on. I test with the SATA adapter v 2.0, and problems gone. It works flawesly with the long data wire without problems. So, if you plan to mount the kit, ensure you use the SATA adapter v 2.0 (the puple thing, you know).

Thanks again,

jeffqchen commented 2 months ago

If you take a close look, early revisions have very bad layout with parallel traces in different lengths and turn 90º angles. I bet that's why they work badly with longer cables. I've mentioned that in the guides as well, I think.