jeffreykemp / jk64-plugin-reportmap

Report Google Map APEX Plugin
MIT License
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All infowindow default open #39

Closed bigode88 closed 4 years ago

bigode88 commented 7 years ago

Is there any way to leave all infowindow open by default?

jeffreykemp commented 7 years ago

Anything's possible, but the purpose of the infowindow was to provide information on a particular point of interest to the user if they click on one of the points.

Generally when I want information to be always visible, I place it separately on the page in Apex.

bigode88 commented 7 years ago

Yes it is that my project is a monitoring system on the map and I want the summary information to remain in the infowindow always all open default.

It would help me in this case, because I had difficulty in the plugin to do this.


Only the open infowindow as default.


bigode88 commented 7 years ago

I got it!

    google.maps.event.addListener(reppin, "click", function () {
        apex.debug(opt.regionId+" repPin clicked ";
        if ( {
            if (opt.iw) {
            } else {
                opt.iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

  , this);


    google.maps.event.addListener(, "tilesloaded", function () {
        opt.iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
              });, reppin);
jeffreykemp commented 7 years ago

I'm glad you found a way :)

Note that tilesloaded fires whenever the map loads a tile - so it may re-fire when the user pans or zooms.

You might consider using google.maps.event.addListenerOnce instead of addListener.

bigode88 commented 7 years ago

Great idea! :) Thanks for support!!

jeffreykemp commented 5 years ago

This will become possible in the next release by using a new attribute, Marker Callback Javascript. This will be called for each marker when it is placed on the map; your code can then show the info window if it needs to.

jeffreykemp commented 4 years ago

An alternative to this might be to make the markers themselves more customisable - e.g. a square box with multiple lines of text instead of a single teardrop marker.

jeffreykemp commented 4 years ago

In v1.1 it will be possible to add a dynamic action on the markerAdded event which runs the following javascript to show the info window:


This will only be useful if the report only has one marker, however; as the map currently only generates a single InfoWindow object at a time.

jeffreykemp commented 4 years ago

Added in Release 1.1