jeffreylanters / react-unity-webgl

React Unity WebGL provides a modern solution for embedding Unity WebGL builds in your React Application while providing advanced APIs for two way communication and interaction between Unity and React.
Apache License 2.0
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Sample with devicePixelRatio update rerenders the app #532

Open Hemaolle opened 7 months ago

Hemaolle commented 7 months ago

Please avoid duplicates

Language and Compiler

Babel and WebPack TypeScript

What environment are you using?

Local Development Server

When does your problem occur?

When the Unity App is running

What does your problem relate to?

The problem seems Module related

React-Unity-WebGL Version


React Version


Unity Version


What happened?

Following the documentation for dynamic device pixel ratio ( leads to the app rerendering when the tab is dragged to a display with a different device pixel ratio (changed from Windows display setting Scale)

image (11)-1

Reproducible test case

// from

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Unity, useUnityContext } from "react-unity-webgl";

function App() {
  const { unityProvider, isLoaded, loadingProgression } = useUnityContext({
    loaderUrl: "build/myunityapp.loader.js",
    dataUrl: "build/",
    frameworkUrl: "build/myunityapp.framework.js",
    codeUrl: "build/myunityapp.wasm",

  // We'll use a state to store the device pixel ratio.
  const [devicePixelRatio, setDevicePixelRatio] = useState(

    function () {
      // A function which will update the device pixel ratio of the Unity
      // Application to match the device pixel ratio of the browser.
      const updateDevicePixelRatio = function () {
      // A media matcher which watches for changes in the device pixel ratio.
      const mediaMatcher = window.matchMedia(
        `screen and (resolution: ${devicePixelRatio}dppx)`
      // Adding an event listener to the media matcher which will update the
      // device pixel ratio of the Unity Application when the device pixel
      // ratio changes.
      mediaMatcher.addEventListener("change", updateDevicePixelRatio);
      return function () {
        // Removing the event listener when the component unmounts.
        mediaMatcher.removeEventListener("change", updateDevicePixelRatio);

  return (
      style={{ width: 800, height: 600 }}

Would you be interested in contributing a fix?