jeffreytse / jekyll-deploy-action

🪂 A Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages.
MIT License
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Archlinux keyring not updating #73

Closed EngiTom closed 6 months ago

EngiTom commented 6 months ago

When I attempted to update my Jekyll-based blog today (an older fork of the Minimal Mistakes theme), the deploy failed with the following error 0_build_and_deploy.txt

Looking up the error at the bottom of the file, it seems like the cause is that keyring is not updated. Is this an issue with the deploy action? Or should I fork the newest version of the theme?

ambersun1234 commented 6 months ago

same here with the following error

error: ruby-uri: signature from "Levente Polyak (anthraxx) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ruby-uri-0.12.1-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)
pgpbpadilla commented 6 months ago


pgpbpadilla commented 6 months ago

This seems to fix it but it makes the build take longer:

pacman-key --refresh-keys 
pgpbpadilla commented 6 months ago

Added also #75

doing --refresh-keys at runtime results in a build time increase from ~56 seconds to ~8 minutes 😨

I'm hopping that by caching that in the resulting Docker image will make builds that benefit from it to go back to under a minute 🤞

jeffreytse commented 6 months ago

I'm focusing on settling this issue, please be patient. : )

jeffreytse commented 6 months ago

Hi @EngiTom @ambersun1234 @pgpbpadilla

This issue has been fixed, as the docker image archlinux:base-devel has been updated one day ago.


Please try to build your jekyll site again. : )

Thanks & Regards

pgpbpadilla commented 6 months ago

Super! I will check it out. I have a question though. I started thinking if it would be a simpler setup to base the Docker image on the official Ruby image. Have you ever thought about doing that?

jeffreytse commented 6 months ago

Hi @pgpbpadilla,

At the very beginning, it actually used the official Ruby image. I'm planning to make a custom image, welcome to star this project for further update in the future.

Thanks & Regards

pgpbpadilla commented 6 months ago

Confirmed. Everything works now ❤️

pgpbpadilla commented 6 months ago

So there was no actual change in the Github action, right? I could not find (I didn't look very hard though) the commit in the arch-linux that says something about the keyring needing an update 🤔

jeffreytse commented 6 months ago

So there was no actual change in the Github action, right? I could not find (I didn't look very hard though) the commit in the arch-linux that says something about the keyring needing an update 🤔

You can see this layer will copy the whole file system which is the latest version into the image.
