jeffreytse / jekyll-spaceship

🚀 A Jekyll plugin to provide powerful supports for table, mathjax, plantuml, mermaid, emoji, video, audio, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud, spotify, etc.
MIT License
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reference-style links not working #43

Closed longavailable closed 3 years ago

longavailable commented 3 years ago

Reference-style links wouldn't work after the installation of jekyll-spaceship.

I used the following syntax in the table of a jekyll post:

|  [text] | ||

[text]: links

It can not work now. It will display [text] as the output. Any suggestion?

jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable

Thanks for the reporting and I will focus on this issue. Welcome to star this project for the updates in the future.

Thanks and regards

jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable, I think you wrote a wrong reference-style syntax, the example is as below:

|  [text][ref] | ||

[ref]: links
longavailable commented 3 years ago

Hi @jeffreytse They are just two different forms. example

example was used the syntax I mentioned.

jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable

Thanks for the exampe, I will focus on this issue and fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks and regards

longavailable commented 3 years ago

And both of them are not working when jekyll-spip is activated.

| **Windows Application** ||
| ---------------------------|----------------------------|
| [jekyll-spaceship]        | |
| [jekyll-spaceship][1]        | |


It would like the following.


jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable

Thanks for the reporting and this issue has been address and fixed. Please update your plugin with the repository's master branch in the Gemfile as below snippet.

gem 'jekyll-spaceship', git: ''

Welcome to star this project for further udpates in the future. : )

Thanks and regards

longavailable commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your quick response. It works.

Well, I have to report an advanced bug.

| **Windows Application** ||
| ---------------------------|----------------------------|
| Application / Softs        | Download links / Webpages  |
|[jekyll-spaceship] ***** [jekyll-spaceship2]||


The second link was not working.


jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable

Thanks for the advanced reporting, now this issue has been addressed and fixed, please update your plugin to the latest version.

Thanks and regards

jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable , Could we close this issue? Welcome to get back if you have any issue. : )

longavailable commented 3 years ago

I‘ll close it.

longavailable commented 3 years ago

One more error:

| **Windows Application** ||
| ---------------------------|----------------------------|
| Application / Softs        | Download links / Webpages  |
|[jekyll-spaceship (JS)] | |

[jekyll-spaceship (JS)]:

It got the following:


jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable

Thanks for the advanced reporting, now this issue has been addressed and fixed, please update your plugin to the latest version.

Thanks and regards

longavailable commented 3 years ago

I suppose the following problem is related. So I post it here.

I added two urls within angle brackets to make them as links. It works fine at a normal single cell. While it cannot be turned successfully for a url after the ^^ symbol. Please check my case:

| **Windows Application** ||
| ---------------------------|----------------------------|
| Application / Softs        | Download links / Webpages  |
|jekyll-spaceship | <> |
|^^ |^^ <> |

The second url can not be turned into a hyperlink.


jeffreytse commented 3 years ago

Hi @longavailable

Thanks for the advanced reporting, now it has been addressed and fixed on the issue #47, please update your plugin to the latest version.

Thanks and regards