jeffreytse / zsh-vi-mode

💻 A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH.
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zvm_bindkey viopp mode doesn't work #209

Open JuanZoran opened 1 year ago

JuanZoran commented 1 year ago

General information

Basic examination

Problem description

I prefer use ijkl for cursor move, so I try to map all hjkl motion for that the normal mode and visual mode, it works well, but in viopp mode, it doesn't work

Reproduction steps

  1. use this configuration
    # NOTE : Utility
    local function set_keys() {
    local mode=$1
    for key value (${(kv)keys}); do
        zvm_bindkey $mode $key $value

local function unset_key() { local mode=$1; shift 1 local keys=("$@") for key ($keys); do bindkey -r -M $mode $key done }




ZVM_VI_INSERT_SURROUND_BINDKEY=s-prefix # zsh-vim-surround support
ZVM_VI_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND=#89e051           # Hex value
ZVM_VI_HIGHLIGHT_FOREGROUND=#1d202f           # Hex value


function load_ins_key () { keys=( '^p' up-line-or-search '^k' menu-select '^n' menu-select '^v' describe-key-briefly '^b' backward-word '^f' forward-word ) set_keys viins } zvm_after_init_commands+=(load_ins_key)

function zvm_after_lazy_keybindings() {

Unbind key

unset_key viopp \
    j k iW iw ia

local -A keys

    h zvm_enter_insert_mode
    H zvm_insert_bol

    i up-line-or-history
    k down-line-or-history
    j vi-backward-char
    l vi-forward-char
    J vi-beginning-of-line
    L vi-end-of-line
set_keys vicmd

    j backward-char
    k down-line
set_keys visual

    W select-in-blank-word
    w select-in-word
    j vi-backward-char
    l vi-forward-char
    i up-line
    k down-line
    J vi-beginning-of-line
    L vi-end-of-line
set_keys viopp
# zvm_bindkey visual "i" up-line
# unset_key visual \
    #     "i^["\
    #     "i "\
    #     "i\""\
    #     "i'"\
    #     "i("\
    #     "i)"\
    #     "i<"\
    #     "i>"\
    #     "iW"\
    #     "i["\
    #     "i]"\
    #     "i\`"\
    #     "ia"\
    #     "iw"\
    #     "i{"\
    #     "i}"
# visual "h" zvm_readkeys_handler
# visual "h^[" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h " zvm_select_surround
# visual "h\"" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h'" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h(" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h)" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h<" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h>" zvm_select_surround
# visual "hW" select-in-blank-word
# visual "h[" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h]" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h\`" zvm_select_surround
# visual "ha" select-in-shell-word
# visual "hw" select-in-word
# visual "h{" zvm_select_surround
# visual "h}" zvm_select_surround


2. check the viopp mode keybindings: 

the zsh told me that it was defined correctly

## Expected behavior
try to type `dj`, it should delete the cursor char and the char left cursor, but it does nothing...