I am having an issue where i cannot use tailwind grid class and some other classes.
For example:wp_enqueue_script( 'tailpress', tailpress_asset( 'js/app.js' ), array(), $theme->get( 'Version' ) );Causes the grid element to look like this:
When I remove it and add the regular tailwind library:
wp_enqueue_script( 'tailpress', tailpress_asset( 'js/tailwind.js' ), array(), $theme->get( 'Version' ) );
It looks fine:
there seems to be missing CSS classes native to Tailwind.
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-5 gap-4">
<div>Some Text </div>
<div>Some Text </div>
<div>Some Text </div>
<div>Some Text </div>
<div>Some Text </div>
I am having an issue where i cannot use tailwind grid class and some other classes. For example:
wp_enqueue_script( 'tailpress', tailpress_asset( 'js/app.js' ), array(), $theme->get( 'Version' ) );
Causes the grid element to look like this:When I remove it and add the regular tailwind library:
wp_enqueue_script( 'tailpress', tailpress_asset( 'js/tailwind.js' ), array(), $theme->get( 'Version' ) );
It looks fine: there seems to be missing CSS classes native to Tailwind.