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Update django-anymail to 12.0 #2687

Open pyup-bot opened 1 month ago

pyup-bot commented 1 month ago

This PR updates django-anymail from 1.2 to 12.0.

Changelog ### 12.0 ``` ----- *2024-09-09* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Require **Django 4.0 or later** and Python 3.8 or later. Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Resend:** Add support for ``send_at``. Fixes ~~~~~ * **Unisender Go:** Fix several problems in Anymail's Unisender Go status tracking webhook. Rework signature checking to fix false validation errors (particularly on "clicked" and "opened" events). Properly handle "use single event" webhook option. Correctly verify WEBHOOK_SECRET when set. Provide Unisender Go's ``delivery_status`` code and unsubscribe form ``comment`` in Anymail's ``event.description``. Treat soft bounces as "deferred" rather than "bounced". (Thanks to `MikeVL`_ for fixing the signature validation problem.) Other ~~~~~ * **Mandrill (docs):** Explain how ``cc`` and ``bcc`` handling depends on Mandrill's "preserve recipients" option. (Thanks to `dgilmanAIDENTIFIED`_ for reporting the issue.) * **Postal (docs):** Update links to Postal's new documentation site. (Thanks to `jmduke`_.) ``` ### 11.1 ``` ----- *2024-08-07* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Brevo:** Support Brevo's new "Complaint," "Error" and "Loaded by proxy" tracking events. (Thanks to `originell`_ for the update.) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last Anymail release to support Django 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 (which reached end of extended support on 2021-04-06, 2021-12-07 and 2024-04-01, respectively). * This will be the last Anymail release to support Python 3.7 (which reached end-of-life on 2023-06-27, and is not supported by Django 4.0 or later). ``` ### 11.0.1 ``` ------- *2024-07-11* (This release updates only documentation and package metadata; the code is identical to v11.0.) Fixes ~~~~~ * **Amazon SES (docs):** Correct IAM policies required for using the Amazon SES v2 API. See `Migrating to the SES v2 API <>`__. (Thanks to `scur-iolus`_ for identifying the problem.) ``` ### 11.0 ``` ----- *2024-06-23* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Drop support for the Amazon SES v1 API. If your ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` setting uses ``amazon_sesv1``, or if you are upgrading from Anymail 9.x or earlier directly to 11.0 or later, see `Migrating to the SES v2 API <>`__. (Anymail 10.0 switched to the SES v2 API by default. If your ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` setting has ``amazon_sesv2``, change that to just ``amazon_ses``.) * **SparkPost:** When sending with a ``template_id``, Anymail now raises an error if the message uses features that SparkPost will silently ignore. See `docs <>`__. Features ~~~~~~~~ * Add new ``merge_headers`` option for per-recipient headers with batch sends. This can be helpful to send individual *List-Unsubscribe* headers (for example). Supported for all current ESPs *except* MailerSend, Mandrill and Postal. See `docs <>`__. (Thanks to `carrerasrodrigo`_ for the idea, and for the base and Amazon SES implementations.) * **Amazon SES:** Allow extra headers, ``metadata``, ``merge_metadata``, and ``tags`` when sending with a ``template_id``. (Requires boto3 v1.34.98 or later.) * **MailerSend:** Allow all extra headers. (Note that MailerSend limits use of this feature to "Enterprise accounts only.") Fixes ~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Fix a bug that could result in sending a broken address header if it had a long display name containing both non-ASCII characters and commas. (Thanks to `andresmrm`_ for isolating and reporting the issue.) * **SendGrid:** In the tracking webhook, correctly report "bounced address" (recipients dropped due to earlier bounces) as reject reason ``"bounced"``. (Thanks to `vitaliyf`_.) ``` ### 10.3 ``` ----- *2024-03-12* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Brevo:** Add support for batch sending (`docs <>`__). * **Resend:** Add support for batch sending (`docs <>`__). * **Unisender Go:** Newly supported ESP (`docs <>`__). (Thanks to `Arondit`_ for the implementation.) Fixes ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Avoid an error when Mailgun posts null delivery-status to the event tracking webhook. (Thanks to `izimobil`_ for the fix.) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Brevo (SendinBlue):** Rename "SendinBlue" to "Brevo" throughout Anymail's code, reflecting their rebranding. This affects the email backend path, settings names, and webhook URLs. The old names will continue to work for now, but are deprecated. See `Updating code from SendinBlue to Brevo <>`__ for details. ``` ### 10.2 ``` ----- *2023-10-25* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Resend**: Add support for this ESP (`docs <>`__). Fixes ~~~~~ * Correctly merge global ``SEND_DEFAULTS`` with message ``esp_extra`` for ESP APIs that use a nested structure (including Mandrill and SparkPost). Clarify intent of global defaults merging code for other message properties. (Thanks to `mounirmesselmeni`_ for reporting the issue.) Other ~~~~~ * **Mailgun (docs):** Clarify account-level "Mailgun API keys" vs. domain-level "sending API keys." (Thanks to `sdarwin`_ for reporting the issue.) * Test against prerelease versions of Django 5.0 and Python 3.12. ``` ### 10.1 ``` ----- *2023-07-31* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Inbound:** Improve `AnymailInboundMessage`'s handling of inline content: * Rename `inline_attachments` to `content_id_map`, more accurately reflecting its function. * Add new `inlines` property that provides a complete list of inline content, whether or not it includes a *Content-ID*. This is helpful for accessing inline images that appear directly in a *multipart/mixed* body, such as those created by the Apple Mail app. * Rename `is_inline_attachment()` to just `is_inline()`. The renamed items are still available, but deprecated, under their old names. See `docs <>`__. (Thanks to `martinezleoml`_.) * **Inbound:** `AnymailInboundMessage` now derives from Python's `email.message.EmailMessage`, which provides improved compatibility with email standards. (Thanks to `martinezleoml`_.) * **Brevo (Sendinblue):** Sendinblue has rebranded to "Brevo." Change default API endpoint to ````, and update docs to reflect new name. Anymail still uses ``sendinblue`` in the backend name, for settings, etc., so there should be no impact on your code. (Thanks to `sblondon`_.) * **Brevo (Sendinblue):** Add support for inbound email. (See `docs <>`__.) * **SendGrid:** Support multiple ``reply_to`` addresses. (Thanks to `gdvalderrama`_ for pointing out the new API.) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Inbound:** `AnymailInboundMessage.inline_attachments` and `.is_inline_attachment()` have been renamed---see above. ``` ### 10.0 ``` ----- *2023-05-07* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** The Amazon SES backend now sends using the SES v2 API. Most projects should not require code changes, but you may need to update your IAM permissions. See `Migrating to the SES v2 API <>`__. If you were using SES v2 under Anymail 9.1 or 9.2, change your ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` setting from ``amazon_sesv2`` to just ``amazon_ses``. (If you are not ready to migrate to SES v2, an ``amazon_sesv1`` EmailBackend is available. But Anymail will drop support for that later this year. See `Using SES v1 (deprecated) <>`__.) * **Amazon SES:** The "extra name" for installation must now be spelled with a hyphen rather than an underscore: ``django-anymail[amazon-ses]``. Be sure to update any dependencies specification (pip install, requirements.txt, etc.) that had been using ``[amazon_ses]``. (This change is due to package name normalization rules enforced by modern Python packaging tools.) * **Mandrill:** Remove support for Mandrill-specific message attributes left over from Djrill. These attributes have raised DeprecationWarnings since Anymail 0.3 (in 2016), but are now silently ignored. See `Migrating from Djrill <>`__. * Require Python 3.7 or later. * Require urllib3 1.25 or later. (Drop a workaround for older urllib3 releases. urllib3 is a requests dependency; version 1.25 was released 2019-04-29. Unless you are pinning an earlier urllib3, this change should have no impact.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Postmark inbound:** * Handle Postmark's "Include raw email content in JSON payload" inbound option. We recommend enabling this in Postmark's dashboard to get the most accurate representation of received email. * Obtain ``envelope_sender`` from *Return-Path* Postmark now provides. (Replaces potentially faulty *Received-SPF* header parsing.) * Add *Bcc* header to inbound message if provided. Postmark adds bcc when the delivered-to address does not appear in the *To* header. Other ~~~~~ * Modernize packaging. (Change from and setuptools to pyproject.toml and hatchling.) Other than the ``amazon-ses`` naming normalization noted above, the new packaging should have no impact. If you have trouble installing django-anymail v10 where v9 worked, please report an issue including the exact install command and pip version you are using. ``` ### 9.2 ``` ----- *2023-05-02* Fixes ~~~~~ * Fix misleading error messages when sending with ``fail_silently=True`` and session creation fails (e.g., with Amazon SES backend and missing credentials). (Thanks to `technolingo`_.) * **Postmark inbound:** Fix spurious AnymailInvalidAddress in ```` when inbound message has no Cc recipients. (Thanks to `Ecno92`_.) * **Postmark inbound:** Add workaround for malformed test data sent by Postmark's inbound webhook "Check" button. (See `304`_. Thanks to `Ecno92`_.) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last Anymail release to support Python 3.6 (which reached end-of-life on 2021-12-23). Other ~~~~~ * Test against Django 4.2 release. ``` ### 9.1 ``` ---- *2023-03-11* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Add support for sending through the Amazon SES v2 API (not yet enabled by default; see Deprecations below; `docs <>`__). * **MailerSend:** Add support for this ESP (`docs <>`__). Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Anymail will be switching to the Amazon SES v2 API. Support for the original SES v1 API is now deprecated, and will be dropped in a future Anymail release (likely in late 2023). Many projects will not require code changes, but you may need to update your IAM permissions. See `Migrating to the SES v2 API <>`__. Other ~~~~~ * Test against Django 4.2 prerelease, Python 3.11 (with Django 4.2), and PyPy 3.9. * Use black, isort and doc8 to format code, enforced via pre-commit. (Thanks to `tim-schilling`_.) ``` ### 9.0 ``` ---- *2022-12-18* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Require **Django 3.0 or later** and Python 3.6 or later. (For compatibility with Django 2.x or Python 3.5, stay on the Anymail `v8.6 LTS`_ extended support branch by setting your requirements to `django-anymail~=8.6`.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Sendinblue:** Support delayed sending using Anymail's `send_at` option. (Thanks to `dimitrisor`_ for noting Sendinblue's public beta release of this capability.) * Support customizing the requests.Session for requests-based backends, and document how this can be used to mount an adapter that simplifies automatic retry logic. (Thanks to `dgilmanAIDENTIFIED`_.) * Confirm support for Django 4.1 and resolve deprecation warning regarding ``django.utils.timezone.utc``. (Thanks to `tim-schilling`_.) Fixes ~~~~~ * **Postmark:** Handle Postmark's SubscriptionChange events as Anymail unsubscribe, subscribe, or bounce tracking events, rather than "unknown". (Thanks to `puru02`_ for the fix.) * **Sendinblue:** Work around recent (unannounced) Sendinblue API change that caused "Invalid headers" API error with non-string custom header values. Anymail now converts int and float header values to strings. Other ~~~~~ * Test on Python 3.11 with Django development (Django 4.2) branch. ``` ### 8.6 ``` -------- *2022-05-15* This is an extended support release. Anymail v8.6 will receive security updates and fixes for any breaking ESP API changes through at least May, 2023. Fixes ~~~~~ * **Mailgun and SendGrid inbound:** Work around a Django limitation that drops attachments with certain filenames. The missing attachments are now simply omitted from the resulting inbound message. (In earlier releases, they would cause a MultiValueDictKeyError in Anymail's inbound webhook.) Anymail documentation now recommends using Mailgun's and SendGrid's "raw MIME" inbound options, which avoid the problem and preserve all attachments. See `Mailgun inbound <>`__ and `SendGrid inbound <>`__ for details. (Thanks to `erikdrums`_ for reporting and helping investigate the problem.) Other ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Document Mailgun's incorrect handling of display names containing both non-ASCII characters and punctuation. (Thanks to `Flexonze`_ for spotting and reporting the issue, and to Mailgun's `b0d0nne11`_ for investigating.) * **Mandrill:** Document Mandrill's incorrect handling of non-ASCII attachment filenames. (Thanks to `Thorbenl`_ for reporting the issue and following up with MailChimp.) * Documentation (for all releases) is now hosted at (moved from Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last Anymail release to support Django 2.0--2.2 and Python 3.5. If these deprecations affect you and you cannot upgrade, set your requirements to `django-anymail~=8.6` (a "compatible release" specifier, equivalent to `>=8.6,==8.*`). ``` ### 8.5 ``` ---- *2022-01-19* Fixes ~~~~~ * Allow `attach_alternative("content", "text/plain")` in place of setting an EmailMessage's `body`, and generally improve alternative part handling for consistency with Django's SMTP EmailBackend. (Thanks to `cjsoftuk`_ for reporting the issue.) * Remove "sending a message from *sender* to *recipient*" from `AnymailError` text, as this can unintentionally leak personal information into logs. [Note that `AnymailError` *does* still include any error description from your ESP, and this often contains email addresses and other content from the sent message. If this is a concern, you can adjust Django's logging config to limit collection from Anymail or implement custom PII filtering.] (Thanks to `coupa-anya`_ for reporting the issue.) Other ~~~~~ * **Postmark:** Document limitation on `track_opens` overriding Postmark's server-level setting. (See `docs <>`__.) * Expand `testing documentation <>`__ to cover tracking events and inbound handling, and to clarify test EmailBackend behavior. * In Anymail's test EmailBackend, add `is_batch_send` boolean to `anymail_test_params` to help tests check whether a sent message would fall under Anymail's batch-send logic. ``` ### 8.4 ``` ---- *2021-06-15* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Postal:** Add support for this self-hosted ESP (`docs <>`__). Thanks to `tiltec`_ for researching, implementing, testing and documenting Postal support. ``` ### 8.3 ``` ---- *2021-05-19* Fixes ~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Support receiving and tracking mail in non-default (or multiple) AWS regions. Anymail now always confirms an SNS subscription in the region where the SNS topic exists, which may be different from the boto3 default. (Thanks to `mark-mishyn`_ for reporting this.) * **Postmark:** Fix two different errors when sending with a template but no merge data. (Thanks to `kareemcoding`_ and `Tobeyforce`_ for reporting them.) * **Postmark:** Fix silent failure when sending with long metadata keys and some other errors Postmark detects at send time. Report invalid 'cc' and 'bcc' addresses detected at send time the same as 'to' recipients. (Thanks to `chrisgrande`_ for reporting the problem.) ``` ### 8.2 ``` ----- *2021-01-27* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Add support for AMP for Email (via ``message.attach_alternative(..., "text/x-amp-html")``). Fixes ~~~~~ * **SparkPost:** Drop support for multiple `from_email` addresses. SparkPost has started issuing a cryptic "No sending domain specified" error for this case; with this fix, Anymail will now treat it as an unsupported feature. Other ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Improve error messages for some common configuration issues. * Test against Django 3.2 prerelease (including support for Python 3.9) * Document how to send AMP for Email with Django, and note which ESPs support it. (See `docs <>`__.) * Move CI testing to GitHub Actions (and stop using Travis-CI). * Internal: catch invalid recipient status earlier in ESP response parsing ``` ### 8.1 ``` ---- *2020-10-09* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **SparkPost:** Add option for event tracking webhooks to map SparkPost's "Initial Open" event to Anymail's normalized "opened" type. (By default, only SparkPost's "Open" is reported as Anymail "opened", and "Initial Open" maps to "unknown" to avoid duplicates. See `docs <>`__. Thanks to `slinkymanbyday`_.) * **SparkPost:** In event tracking webhooks, map AMP open and click events to the corresponding Anymail normalized event types. (Previously these were treated as as "unknown" events.) ``` ### 8.0 ``` ---- *2020-09-11* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Require **Django 2.0 or later** and Python 3. (For compatibility with Django 1.11 and Python 2.7, stay on the Anymail `v7.2 LTS`_ extended support branch by setting your requirements to `django-anymail~=7.2`.) * **Mailjet:** Upgrade to Mailjet's newer v3.1 send API. Most Mailjet users will not be affected by this change, with two exceptions: (1) Mailjet's v3.1 API does not allow multiple reply-to addresses, and (2) if you are using Anymail's `esp_extra`, you will need to update it for compatibility with the new API. (See `docs <>`__.) * **SparkPost:** Call the SparkPost API directly, without using the (now unmaintained) Python SparkPost client library. The "sparkpost" package is no longer necessary and can be removed from your project requirements. Most SparkPost users will not be affected by this change, with two exceptions: (1) You must provide a ``SPARKPOST_API_KEY`` in your Anymail settings (Anymail does not check environment variables); and (2) if you use Anymail's `esp_extra` you will need to update it with SparkPost Transmissions API parameters. As part of this change esp_extra now allows use of several SparkPost features, such as A/B testing, that were unavailable through the Python SparkPost library. (See `docs <>`__.) * Remove Anymail internal code related to supporting Python 2 and older Django versions. This does not change the documented API, but may affect you if your code borrowed from Anymail's undocumented internals. (You should be able to switch to the Python standard library equivalents, as Anymail has done.) * AnymailMessageMixin now correctly subclasses Django's EmailMessage. If you use it as part of your own custom EmailMessage-derived class, and you start getting errors about "consistent method resolution order," you probably need to change your class's inheritance. (For some helpful background, see this comment about `mixin superclass ordering <>`__.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * **SparkPost:** Add support for subaccounts (new ``"SPARKPOST_SUBACCOUNT"`` Anymail setting), AMP for Email (via ``message.attach_alternative(..., "text/x-amp-html")``), and A/B testing and other SparkPost sending features (via ``esp_extra``). (See `docs <>`__.) ``` ### 7.2.1 ``` ------ *2020-08-05* Fixes ~~~~~ * **Inbound:** Fix a Python 2.7-only UnicodeEncodeError when attachments have non-ASCII filenames. (Thanks to `kika115`_ for reporting it.) ``` ### 7.2 ``` -------- *2020-07-25* This is an extended support release. Anymail v7.2 will receive security updates and fixes for any breaking ESP API changes through at least July, 2021. Fixes ~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Fix bcc, which wasn't working at all on non-template sends. (Thanks to `mwheels`_ for reporting the issue.) * **Mailjet:** Fix TypeError when sending to or from addresses with display names containing commas (introduced in Django 2.2.15, 3.0.9, and 3.1). * **SendGrid:** Fix UnicodeError in inbound webhook, when receiving message using charsets other than utf-8, and *not* using SendGrid's "post raw" inbound parse option. Also update docs to recommend "post raw" with SendGrid inbound. (Thanks to `tcourtqtm`_ for reporting the issue.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * Test against Django 3.1 release candidates Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last Anymail release to support Django 1.11 and Python 2.7. If these deprecations affect you and you cannot upgrade, set your requirements to `django-anymail~=7.2` (a "compatible release" specifier, equivalent to `>=7.2,==7.*`). ``` ### 7.1 ``` ----- *2020-04-13* Fixes ~~~~~ * **Postmark:** Fix API error when sending with template to single recipient. (Thanks to `jc-ee`_ for finding and fixing the issue.) * **SendGrid:** Allow non-batch template send to multiple recipients when `merge_global_data` is set without `merge_data`. (Broken in v6.0. Thanks to `vgrebenschikov`_ for the bug report.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * Add `DEBUG_API_REQUESTS` setting to dump raw ESP API requests, which can assist in debugging or reporting problems to ESPs. (See `docs <>`__. This setting has was quietly added in Anymail v4.3, and is now officially documented.) * **Sendinblue:** Now supports file attachments on template sends, when using their new template language. (Sendinblue removed this API limitation on 2020-02-18; the change works with Anymail v7.0 and later. Thanks to `sebashwa`_ for noting the API change and updating Anymail's docs.) Other ~~~~~ * Test against released Django 3.0. * **SendGrid:** Document unpredictable behavior in the SendGrid API that can cause text attachments to be sent with the wrong character set. (See `docs <>`__ under "Wrong character set on text attachments." Thanks to `nuschk`_ and `swrobel`_ for helping track down the issue and reporting it to SendGrid.) * Docs: Fix a number of typos and some outdated information. (Thanks `alee`_ and `Honza-m`_.) ``` ### 7.0 ``` ---- *2019-09-07* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Sendinblue templates:** Support Sendinblue's new (ESP stored) Django templates and new API for template sending. This removes most of the odd limitations in the older (now-deprecated) SendinBlue template send API, but involves two breaking changes: * You *must* `convert <>`_ each old Sendinblue template to the new language as you upgrade to Anymail v7.0, or certain features may be silently ignored on template sends (notably `reply_to` and recipient display names). * Sendinblue's API no longer supports sending attachments when using templates. [Note: Sendinblue removed this API limitation on 2020-02-18.] Ordinary, non-template sending is not affected by these changes. See `docs <>`__ for more info and alternatives. (Thanks `Thorbenl`_.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Support Mailgun's new (ESP stored) handlebars templates via `template_id`. See `docs <>`__. (Thanks `anstosa`_.) * **Sendinblue:** Support multiple `tags`. (Thanks `Thorbenl`_.) Other ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Disable Anymail's workaround for a Requests/urllib3 issue with non-ASCII attachment filenames when a newer version of urllib3--which fixes the problem--is installed. (Workaround was added in Anymail v4.3; fix appears in urllib3 v1.25.) ``` ### 6.1 ``` ---- *2019-07-07* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Add new `MAILGUN_WEBHOOK_SIGNING_KEY` setting for verifying tracking and inbound webhook calls. Mailgun's webhook signing key can become different from your `MAILGUN_API_KEY` if you have ever rotated either key. See `docs <>`__. (More in `153`_. Thanks to `dominik-lekse`_ for reporting the problem and Mailgun's `mbk-ok`_ for identifying the cause.) ``` ### 6.0.1 ``` ------ *2019-05-19* Fixes ~~~~~ * Support using `AnymailMessage` with django-mailer and similar packages that pickle messages. (See `147`_. Thanks to `ewingrj`_ for identifying the problem.) * Fix UnicodeEncodeError error while reporting invalid email address on Python 2.7. (See `148`_. Thanks to `fdemmer`_ for reporting the problem.) ``` ### 6.0 ``` ---- *2019-02-23* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Postmark:** Anymail's `message.anymail_status.recipients[email]` no longer lowercases the recipient's email address. For consistency with other ESPs, it now uses the recipient email with whatever case was used in the sent message. If your code is doing something like `message.anymail_status.recipients[email.lower()]`, you should remove the `.lower()` * **SendGrid:** In batch sends, Anymail's SendGrid backend now assigns a separate `message_id` for each "to" recipient, rather than sharing a single id for all recipients. This improves accuracy of tracking and statistics (and matches the behavior of many other ESPs). If your code uses batch sending (merge_data with multiple to-addresses) and checks `message.anymail_status.message_id` after sending, that value will now be a *set* of ids. You can obtain each recipient's individual message_id with `message.anymail_status.recipients[to_email].message_id`. See `docs <>`__. Features ~~~~~~~~ * Add new `merge_metadata` option for providing per-recipient metadata in batch sends. Available for all supported ESPs *except* Amazon SES and SendinBlue. See `docs <>`__. (Thanks `janneThoft`_ for the idea and SendGrid implementation.) * **Mailjet:** Remove limitation on using `cc` or `bcc` together with `merge_data`. Fixes ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Better error message for invalid sender domains (that caused a cryptic "Mailgun API response 200: OK Mailgun Magnificent API" error in earlier releases). * **Postmark:** Don't error if a message is sent with only Cc and/or Bcc recipients (but no To addresses). Also, `message.anymail_status.recipients[email]` now includes send status for Cc and Bcc recipients. (Thanks to `ailionx`_ for reporting the error.) * **SendGrid:** With legacy templates, stop (ab)using "sections" for merge_global_data. This avoids potential conflicts with a template's own use of SendGrid section tags. ``` ### 5.0 ``` ---- *2018-11-07* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Anymail's status tracking webhooks now report Mailgun "temporary failure" events as Anymail's normalized "deferred" `event_type`. (Previously they were reported as "bounced", lumping them in with permanent failures.) The new behavior is consistent with how Anymail handles other ESP's tracking notifications. In the unlikely case your code depended on "temporary failure" showing up as "bounced" you will need to update it. (Thanks `costela`_.) Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Postmark:** Allow either template alias (string) or numeric template id for Anymail's `template_id` when sending with Postmark templates. Fixes ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Improve error reporting when an inbound route is accidentally pointed at Anymail's tracking webhook url or vice versa. ``` ### 4.3 ``` ---- *2018-10-11* Features ~~~~~~~~ * Treat MIME attachments that have a *Content-ID* but no explicit *Content-Disposition* header as inline, matching the behavior of many email clients. For maximum compatibility, you should always set both (or use Anymail's inline helper functions). (Thanks `costela`_.) Fixes ~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Raise `AnymailUnsupportedFeature` error when attempting to send an attachment without a filename (or inline attachment without a *Content-ID*), because Mailgun silently drops these attachments from the sent message. (See `docs <>`__. Thanks `costela`_ for identifying this undocumented Mailgun API limitation.) * **Mailgun:** Fix problem where attachments with non-ASCII filenames would be lost. (Works around Requests/urllib3 issue encoding multipart/form-data filenames in a way that isn't RFC 7578 compliant. Thanks to `decibyte`_ for catching the problem.) Other ~~~~~ * Add (undocumented) DEBUG_API_REQUESTS Anymail setting. When enabled, prints raw API request and response during send. Currently implemented only for Requests-based backends (all but Amazon SES and SparkPost). Because this can expose API keys and other sensitive info in log files, it should not be used in production. ``` ### 4.2 ``` ---- *2018-09-07* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Postmark:** Support per-recipient template `merge_data` and batch sending. (Batch sending can be used with or without a template. See `docs <>`__.) Fixes ~~~~~ * **Postmark:** When using `template_id`, ignore empty subject and body. (Postmark issues an error if Django's default empty strings are used with template sends.) ``` ### 4.1 ``` ---- *2018-08-27* Features ~~~~~~~~ * **SendGrid:** Support both new "dynamic" and original "legacy" transactional templates. (See `docs <>`__.) * **SendGrid:** Allow merging `esp_extra["personalizations"]` dict into other message-derived personalizations. (See `docs <>`__.) ``` ### 4.0 ``` ---- *2018-08-19* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Drop support for Django versions older than Django 1.11. (For compatibility back to Django 1.8, stay on the Anymail `v3.0`_ extended support branch.) * **SendGrid:** Remove the legacy SendGrid *v2* EmailBackend. (Anymail's default since v0.8 has been SendGrid's newer v3 API.) If your `EMAIL_BACKEND` still references "sendgrid_v2," you must `upgrade to v3 <>`__. Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Mailgun:** Add support for new Mailgun webhooks. (Mailgun's original "legacy webhook" format is also still supported. See `docs <>`__.) * **Mailgun:** Document how to use new European region. (This works in earlier Anymail versions, too.) * **Postmark:** Add support for Anymail's normalized `metadata` in sending and webhooks. Fixes ~~~~~ * Avoid problems with Gmail blocking messages that have inline attachments, when sent from a machine whose local hostname ends in *.com*. Change Anymail's `attach_inline_image()` default *Content-ID* domain to the literal text "inline" (rather than Python's default of the local hostname), to work around a limitation of some ESP APIs that don't permit distinct content ID and attachment filenames (Mailgun, Mailjet, Mandrill and SparkPost). See `112`_ for more details. * **Amazon SES:** Work around an `Amazon SES bug <>`__ that can corrupt non-ASCII message bodies if you are using SES's open or click tracking. (See `115`_ for more details. Thanks to `varche1`_ for isolating the specific conditions that trigger the bug.) Other ~~~~~ * Maintain changelog in the repository itself (rather than in GitHub release notes). * Test against released versions of Python 3.7 and Django 2.1. ``` ### 3.0 ``` ---- *2018-05-30* This is an extended support release. Anymail v3.x will receive security updates and fixes for any breaking ESP API changes through at least April, 2019. Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Drop support for Python 3.3 (see `99`_). * **SendGrid:** Fix a problem where Anymail's status tracking webhooks didn't always receive the same `event.message_id` as the sent `message.anymail_status.message_id`, due to unpredictable behavior by SendGrid's API. Anymail now generates a UUID for each sent message and attaches it as a SendGrid custom arg named anymail_id. For most users, this change should be transparent. But it could be a breaking change if you are relying on a specific message_id format, or relying on message_id matching the *Message-ID* mail header or SendGrid's "smtp-id" event field. (More details in the `docs <>`__; also see `108`_.) Thanks to `joshkersey`_ for the report and the fix. Features ~~~~~~~~ * Support Django 2.1 prerelease. Fixes ~~~~~ * **Mailjet:** Fix tracking webhooks to work correctly when Mailjet "group events" option is disabled (see `106`_). Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last Anymail release to support Django 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 (see `110`_). * This will be the last Anymail release to support the legacy SendGrid v2 EmailBackend (see `111`_). (SendGrid's newer v3 API has been the default since Anymail v0.8.) If these deprecations affect you and you cannot upgrade, set your requirements to `django-anymail~=3.0` (a "compatible release" specifier, equivalent to `>=3.0,==3.*`). ``` ### 2.2 ``` ---- *2018-04-16* Fixes ~~~~~ * Fix a breaking change accidentally introduced in v2.1: The boto3 package is no longer required if you aren't using Amazon SES. ``` ### 2.1 ``` ---- *2018-04-11* **NOTE:** v2.1 accidentally introduced a **breaking change:** enabling Anymail webhooks with `include('anymail.urls')` causes an error if boto3 is not installed, even if you aren't using Amazon SES. This is fixed in v2.2. Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Amazon SES:** Add support for this ESP (`docs <>`__). * **SparkPost:** Add SPARKPOST_API_URL setting to support SparkPost EU and SparkPost Enterprise (`docs <>`__). * **Postmark:** Update for Postmark "modular webhooks." This should not impact client code. (Also, older versions of Anymail will still work correctly with Postmark's webhook changes.) Fixes ~~~~~ * **Inbound:** Fix several issues with inbound messages, particularly around non-ASCII headers and body content. Add workarounds for some limitations in older Python email packages. Other ~~~~~ * Use tox to manage Anymail test environments (see contributor `docs <>`__). Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last Anymail release to support Python 3.3. See `99`_ for more information. ``` ### 2.0 ``` ---- *2018-03-08* Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Drop support for deprecated WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION setting. If you are using webhooks and still have this Anymail setting, you must rename it to WEBHOOK_SECRET. See the `v1.4`_ release notes. * Handle *Reply-To,* *From,* and *To* in EmailMessage `extra_headers` the same as Django's SMTP EmailBackend if supported by your ESP, otherwise raise an unsupported feature error. Fixes the SparkPost backend to be consistent with other backends if both `headers["Reply-To"]` and `reply_to` are set on the same message. If you are setting a message's `headers["From"]` or `headers["To"]` (neither is common), the new behavior is likely a breaking change. See `docs <>`__ and `91`_. * Treat EmailMessage `extra_headers` keys as case-\ *insensitive* in all backends, for consistency with each other (and email specs). If you are specifying duplicate headers whose names differ only in case, this may be a breaking change. See `docs <>`__. Features ~~~~~~~~ * **SendinBlue:** Add support for this ESP (`docs <>`__). Thanks to `RignonNoel`_ for the implementation. * Add EmailMessage `envelope_sender` attribute, which can adjust the message's *Return-Path* if supported by your ESP (`docs <>`__). * Add universal wheel to PyPI releases for faster installation. Other ~~~~~ * Update metadata, clean up implementation. (Hadn't really been touched since original Djrill version.) * Prep for Python 3.7. ``` ### 1.4 ``` ---- *2018-02-08* Security ~~~~~~~~ * Fix a low severity security issue affecting Anymail v0.2–v1.3: rename setting WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION to WEBHOOK_SECRET to prevent inclusion in Django error reporting. (`CVE-2018-1000089 <>`__) *More information* Django error reporting includes the value of your Anymail WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION setting. In a properly-configured deployment, this should not be cause for concern. But if you have somehow exposed your Django error reports (e.g., by mis-deploying with DEBUG=True or by sending error reports through insecure channels), anyone who gains access to those reports could discover your webhook shared secret. An attacker could use this to post fabricated or malicious Anymail tracking/inbound events to your app, if you are using those Anymail features. The fix renames Anymail's webhook shared secret setting so that Django's error reporting mechanism will `sanitize <>`__ it. If you are using Anymail's event tracking and/or inbound webhooks, you should upgrade to this release and change "WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION" to "WEBHOOK_SECRET" in the ANYMAIL section of your You may also want to `rotate the shared secret <>`__ value, particularly if you have ever exposed your Django error reports to untrusted individuals. If you are only using Anymail's EmailBackends for sending email and have not set up Anymail's webhooks, this issue does not affect you. The old WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION setting is still allowed in this release, but will issue a system-check warning when running most Django management commands. It will be removed completely in a near-future release, as a breaking change. Thanks to Charlie DeTar (`yourcelf`_) for responsibly reporting this security issue through private channels. ``` ### 1.3 ``` `v1.2.1`_ release notes, below, if you are using Anymail's tracking webhooks. Features ~~~~~~~~ * **Inbound handling:** Add normalized inbound message event, signal, and webhooks for all supported ESPs. (See new `Receiving mail <>`__ docs.) This hasn't been through much real-world testing yet; bug reports and feedback are very welcome. * **API network timeouts:** For Requests-based backends (all but SparkPost), use a default timeout of 30 seconds for all ESP API calls, to avoid stalling forever on a bad connection. Add a REQUESTS_TIMEOUT Anymail setting to override. (See `80`_.) * **Test backend improvements:** Generate unique tracking `message_id` when using the `test backend <>`__; add console backend for use in development. (See `85`_.) .. _release_1_2_1: ``` ### 1.2.1 ``` ------ *2018-02-02* Security ~~~~~~~~ * Fix a **moderate severity** security issue affecting Anymail v0.2–v1.2: prevent timing attack on WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION secret. (`CVE-2018-6596 <>`__) *More information* If you are using Anymail's tracking webhooks, you should upgrade to this release, and you may want to rotate to a new WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION shared secret (see `docs <>`__). You should definitely change your webhook auth if your logs indicate attempted exploit. (If you are only sending email using an Anymail EmailBackend, and have not set up Anymail's event tracking webhooks, this issue does not affect you.) Anymail's webhook validation was vulnerable to a timing attack. A remote attacker could use this to obtain your WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION shared secret, potentially allowing them to post fabricated or malicious email tracking events to your app. There have not been any reports of attempted exploit. (The vulnerability was discovered through code review.) Attempts would be visible in HTTP logs as a very large number of 400 responses on Anymail's webhook urls (by default "/anymail/*esp_name*/tracking/"), and in Python error monitoring as a very large number of AnymailWebhookValidationFailure exceptions. ```
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