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认知学习的六个层次 #145

Open jeffsui opened 3 years ago

jeffsui commented 3 years ago


爱因斯坦说:“你无法在制造问题的同一思维层次上解决这个问题。”也就是说,要解决问题,需要思维上的升级,否则问题很难得到解决。人与人之间的差距,就在于思维层次的差异。 NLP(神经语言程序,Neuro-Linguistic Programming)领域的大师罗伯特•迪尔茨把人的逻辑思维分为6个层次,形成一个被称为“逻辑层次”的分析工具。他认为人的逻辑层次从下到上分别为:环境层、行为层、能力层、信念/价值观层、身份层与愿景层。不同的层次,有不同的关注点和应对模式。 1.环境层思维模式在环境层的人,聚焦于外在环境,支持条件,类似于心理学上的“外部归因”,认为问题的出现都是别人的错或者环境不好。比如生意不好做是因为竞争太激烈,自己没有得到晋升是领导偏心等等。其主要的应对模式是“抱怨”。 2.行为层思维模式在行为层的人,关注于自身行为,他们认为问题的出现是因为自己的行动力不够,其主要的应对模式是“行动、行动、再行动”。比如工资低就多加班,赚更多的加班费。 3.能力层思维模式在能力层的人,关注于能力提升,他们认为问题的出现是因为自己能力不够,其主要的应对模式是“学习、学习,再学习”。比如工作没有做好是因为能力不够,侧重于提升自己的能力。 4.信念/价值观层思维层级在这个层次的人,关注的是什么对自己是重要的,自己想要的究竟是什么,其主要的应对模式是“要做对的事情”。 5.身份层思维模式在这个层次的人,关注的是“我是谁,我想成为一个什么样的人”,其主要的应对模式“因为我是一个什么样的人,所以我会做出某种选择和行动”。 6.愿景层 思维模式在愿景层的人,关注的是“我与这个世界的关系是什么样的?我如何能改变世界?” 其主要的应对模式是“如何改变这个世界,让它更好?”










  1. Remembering  记忆

❤ Can you tell what happened in the beginning, the middle and the end of the story?

❤ Who/What is the main character?

❤ When, where and what surroundings did the story happen?

  1. Understanding  理解

❤ Can you tell the story to your dad/mum in your own words?

❤ What is this story mostly about?

❤ Can you draw a picture about what happened in this story and tell me about it?

  1. Applying  应用

❤ Can you try to act out this story?

❤ How does that relate to your experience?

❤ Who could you interview?

❤ How do you know it works?

❤ Do you think the story has a certain pattern?

  1. Analysing  分析

❤ How is every character in the story similar/different?

❤ Do you feel this story is real or made up? Why do you think so?

❤ Who do you want to be in the story if you can choose one? Why?

❤ What do you think are some reasons/causes that ...?

❤ What evidence can you offer?

❤ Why do you think the author chooses ... to be the bad guy?

  1. Evaluating  评价

❤ Is this one of the best/good/dull books you have read? Why?

❤ Tell a book that better/worse than this one, and tell the reason why.

❤ Do you think this book is suitable for children or for adults, for boys or for girls? Why do you think so?

❤ What's another way we could say/explain/express that?

❤ What is a better solution to ...?

  1. Creating  创新

❤ How would you compose a song about ...?

❤ How would you rewrite the ending to the story?

❤ What would be different today if that event occurred as ...?

❤ How can you teach that to others?

❤ How would you do it differently?