jeffvli / feishin

A modern self-hosted music player.
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Fixing CORS Problems in the Lastest Release Build #289

Closed kobayashi90 closed 4 months ago

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

Since Feishin is just an WebApp wrapped in Electron its not an actual client like SoniXD was. Because of that your supposed client needs to disable cors/ssl checks in order to work. Further Details below:


Since disabling that Server Side makes it vulnerable to XSS Attacks. An idea of how to fix this might be on this Link.

I hope someone find an Solution to this because as long this isnt fixed people are stuck on using SoniXD Have a Great Day

BlackDragon-B commented 8 months ago

Sonixd is just as much of a webapp in electron as Feishin is.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

Sonixd is just as much of a webapp in electron as Feishin is.

It must be different if it works fine on SoniXD and not on Feishin.

TL;DR: "The Bug is not that its an WebApp, its an "electron app that has cors enabled" as linked above.

BlackDragon-B commented 8 months ago

You can ignore CORS and SSL in the Manage Servers menu.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

You can ignore CORS and SSL in the Manage Servers menu.

Its enabled but it still fails as shown below: firefox_Dtb0DlyqKN

Similar behavior got reported here as well.

Further Info: This Screenshot shows the WebApp on the Webpage. Similar happens on the Desktop Version just that throws an similar error just u= variable missing instead of e= missing.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

Further Investigations showed that other Web Clients seem to have no problems with cors nor ssl. You can try it for yourself below: Server Url: Username: Guest Password: Guest

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

@jeffvli I dont want to be that person getting on your nervs but any idea what causes this? And no disabling cors (aka whitelisting everything with "*") server side is not the solution. But it works fine on SoniXD as described above. Thanks for your reply.

kgarner7 commented 8 months ago

A couple of things:

  1. When I test it out on Jamstash, I absolutely do see Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * on your domain. It is using subsonic-only APIs and not Navidrome. This is the reason why Sonixd doesn't run into any issues, as it only uses the subsonic API.
  2. If you want to use the Webapp, you have two solutions:
    1. Allow CORS on Navidrome endpoint as well. No modern browser will allow the requests otherwise
    2. Self-host the webapp on a subpath of your Navidrome instance (I do this myself, and I have reverse proxy authentication enabled). This means that the flow would be authenticate -> load feishin web -> login (as guest)
  3. Since you appear to have special auth around the Navidrome API, the desktop app will not work for you (unless you add exclusions to the auth by certain IP addesses). Maybe in the long term there can be something that detects authentication portal and tries to deal with that, but it is not a trivial problem to solve.
kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

A couple of things:

1. When I test it out on Jamstash, I absolutely do see `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` on your domain. It is using subsonic-only APIs and not Navidrome. This is the reason why Sonixd doesn't run into any issues, as it only uses the subsonic API.

2. If you want to use the Webapp, you have two solutions:

   1. Allow CORS on Navidrome endpoint as well. No modern browser will allow the requests otherwise
   2. Self-host the webapp on a subpath of your Navidrome instance (I do this myself, and I have reverse proxy authentication enabled). This means that the flow would be authenticate -> load feishin web -> login (as guest)

3. Since you appear to have special auth around the Navidrome API, the desktop app will not work for you (unless you add exclusions to the auth by certain IP addesses). Maybe in the long term there can be something that detects authentication portal and tries to deal with that, but it is not a trivial problem to solve.

Ive linked you an possible solution above which you ignored..

Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 18 45 24

Anyways, is there an way to hardcode feishin web to use only one server?

BlackDragon-B commented 8 months ago

Like I have noted before, the web version of feishin does not use electron.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

Well you didnt answer this one: "Anyways, is there an way to hardcode feishin web to use only one server?"

BlackDragon-B commented 8 months ago

Well you didnt answer this one: "Anyways, is there an way to hardcode feishin web to use only one server?"

Nope, authentication and all is done on the client. I also fail to see how hardcoding feishin to only use one server would help fix your current issue.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

I also fail to see how hardcoding feishin to only use one server would help fix your current issue.

Wow, took me long to find an answer for this, first of all what do you think i would like to use it for? As alternative UI that would interact with the internal navidrome instance which is hosted on the same server. Not sure how you couldnt deduct this by my answer.

Anyways, going to make an new issue about feishin needs to focus on the basic feature that is the subsonic api support. I actually feel trolled throughout the whole issue.

iiPythonx commented 8 months ago

Feishin doesn't support subsonic yet.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

Feishin doesn't support subsonic yet.

Yet somehow navidrome relys on subsonic, how wasnt this one of the first goals to fix? I see no other Application using navidrome's api or do you?

I hope you agree with me after you have seen the list of clients that Navidrome themselfs put up there. I am not here to hate on Feishin, i am using it with an workaround via Tailscale for personal use but that sure doesnt work for the rest of people that use it.

iiPythonx commented 8 months ago

Well out of curiosity (if you haven't already tried it / are willing to), does the desktop app work for you? My personal server has CORS enabled on it and the desktop app connected to it just fine without me even needing to enable the "Ignore CORS" option.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

Well out of curiosity (if you haven't already tried it / are willing to), does the desktop app work for you? My personal server has CORS enabled on it and the desktop app connected to it just fine without me even needing to enable the "Ignore CORS" option.

Yes i have installed the Windows Desktop App of Feishin on my Machine with both Ignore CORS / Ignore SSL options enabled with puts out the errors which ive described above. Posted an GIF below also. Feishin_uTBHXGFRbe

iiPythonx commented 8 months ago

Not much else I can think of then besides following kgarner's advice:

If you want to use the Webapp, you have two solutions: i. Allow CORS on Navidrome endpoint as well. No modern browser will allow the requests otherwise ii. Self-host the webapp on a subpath of your Navidrome instance (I do this myself, and I have reverse proxy authentication enabled). This means that the flow would be authenticate -> load feishin web -> login (as guest)

or getting input from @jeffvli about the CORS switch (possibly?) being broken from the looks of it.

kobayashi90 commented 8 months ago

or getting input from @jeffvli about the CORS switch (possibly?) being broken from the looks of it.

Can confirm that if it is broken its not an Windows only thing, confirmed that its the same on Linux. Not sure about Mac OS tho.

kgarner7 commented 8 months ago

The CORS switch shouldn't exist in the Web version, as the client cannot instruct the browser to ignore CORS. The proper fix for that would be to remove it from the web interface (EDIT: this is also the case for the ignore SSL switch. Those are both things up to the browser itself)

kgarner7 commented 5 months ago

I'm reviewing this again, and the problem is 1: your server, and 2: Feishin for not complaining about your server. You /auth/login page hits a bot protection (xbone), which prevents properly logging in from Navidrome. Unfortunately it looks like Feishin doesn't also recognize this problem so it sort of allows access. The second part can be added by doing some better validation, but the former (at least using Navidrome API) cannot

kobayashi90 commented 5 months ago

I'm reviewing this again, and the problem is 1: your server, and 2: Feishin for not complaining about your server. You /auth/login page hits a bot protection (xbone), which prevents properly logging in from Navidrome. Unfortunately it looks like Feishin doesn't also recognize this problem so it sort of allows access. The second part can be added by doing some better validation, but the former (at least using Navidrome API) cannot

Again its not an problem on our site because it works on SoniXD, i am waiting until Subsonic API Support is fully done.

kobayashi90 commented 4 months ago

I'm reviewing this again, and the problem is 1: your server, and 2: Feishin for not complaining about your server. You /auth/login page hits a bot protection (xbone), which prevents properly logging in from Navidrome. Unfortunately it looks like Feishin doesn't also recognize this problem so it sort of allows access. The second part can be added by doing some better validation, but the former (at least using Navidrome API) cannot

Proof that it works comes from this related issue: [Essential] Subsonic API Support

kgarner7 commented 4 months ago

I am closing this, as it is a problem with your Navidrome endpoint, not Subsonic. Further progress can be tracked on the subsonic request.

kobayashi90 commented 4 months ago

Coding 101, you dont close an issue if the error still exsists even if its unrated, even tho its related to the subsonic api being missing. The error isnt magically away until the api exsists.. You can close this now.