jeffvli / feishin

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Play Count is present twice in the sorting dropdown of the page "Tracks" #509

Closed Amatsu-Kami closed 4 months ago

Amatsu-Kami commented 4 months ago

Expected Behavior

Only one of them should be "Play count", which is probably the second one. The first one doesn't seem to be sorting by play count.

Current Behavior

Capture d’écran 2024-02-16 095542

There's two "Play Count" sorting option in the dropdown of the page "Tracks"

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go on the page "Tracks"

  2. Open the sorting dropdown.

  3. Two "Play Count" options are presents.


The first one doesn't work while the second one does.

Your Environment

kgarner7 commented 4 months ago

Resolved by Thanks!