jeffvli / feishin

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Album names sorting by capitalization #597

Closed Dylancyclone closed 2 months ago

Dylancyclone commented 2 months ago

Expected Behavior

When sorting by name, albums should appear in alphabetical order, regardless of capitalization (as in AaBbCc instead of ABCabc)

Current Behavior

Albums are currently sorted with capital letters first, and lowercase letters second (as in ABCabc, an album starting with a capital "Z" sorts before an album starting with a lowercase "a") image

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the albums page
  2. Sort by "Name"
  3. Notice albums starting with lowercase letters are all the way at the bottom of the list, instead of next to similar letters

Possible Solution

Sort case insensitive


I noticed this issue (, but a fix seemed to only be applied to Jellyfin and not Navidrome

Application version


Operating System and version

Webapp in Firefox

Server and Version

Navidrome v0.51.1

Node Version (if developing locally)

No response

kgarner7 commented 2 months ago

This is because the Navidrome API also returns the values sorted in case-sensitive fashion. You might be able to resolve this on your server (also the web ui) by setting PreferSortTags to true

Dylancyclone commented 2 months ago

Dang unfortunately that setting didn't help. I'll make a ticket over there, since it doesn't seem right to sort it that way. Thank you!

kgarner7 commented 2 months ago

More specifically, this feature works if you have sort_* tags in your files; those are what are stored in a case insensitive fashion. If not, then I don't think it'll help

Dylancyclone commented 2 months ago

I found an issue on Navidrome talking about the same thing. It seems the PreferSortTags works for some sorts (such as artist sorting), but not the Album Sort for some reason

Dylancyclone commented 1 month ago

In case anyone is wondering about this, this was fixed upstream in Navidrome in version v0.52.5