jeffvli / feishin

A modern self-hosted music player.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Playback stops mid-song after a few songs #608

Open TacoCake opened 1 month ago

TacoCake commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

Playback doesn't stop unless the user tells it to.

Current Behavior

This is especially noticeable when listening to a playlist, after playing a few songs (the number seems random), playback random stops mid-way through a song.

Doesn't happen with the default navidrome web client, and with Tempo (android client).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start playlist in shuffle mode
  2. Play a few songs
  3. wait
  4. Notice it stops by itself.

Possible Solution

Might be related to this PR:


I've encountered this issue on windows AND Linux. I've only really tried the Web Audio player

Application version


Operating System and version

Windows 10 Desktop, Linux (OpenSUSE tumbleweed appimage) Desktop

Server and Version

Navidrome v0.52.0

Node Version (if developing locally)

No response

archer3cl commented 1 month ago

I want to add that this also happens with the desktop version. Some times the player refuses to keep playing some songs. I have tested with Navidrome Web UI, playing the same songs and it has the same behavior. Finally, I downloaded a different desktop client Supersonic and there where no issues with the songs.

All tested songs are FLAC format.

Hope this helps to narrow down the issue.

iiPythonx commented 1 month ago

If you're able to switch to the mpv player, does it still have these issues? Also how many songs are we talking here, I'll gladly throw on a playlist and see if I can replicate it if I know roughly how many to wait for.

archer3cl commented 1 month ago

If you're able to switch to the mpv player, does it still have these issues? Also how many songs are we talking here, I'll gladly throw on a playlist and see if I can replicate it if I know roughly how many to wait for.

You are right. Switching to MPV fixes the issue. As for the number of songs, I'm not sure. But once it happens I can play other songs and if I return to one that was failing, it still fails.

Maybe just put a 1hr playlist, it usually happens before that.