jeffvli / feishin

A modern self-hosted music player.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.99k stars 78 forks source link

when loading a song from the tracks section the queue loads all the songs lags with a large amount of songs #617

Open Fwuk opened 1 month ago

Fwuk commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

i would have expected expected a limit on the queue instead of it loading all 20 thousand of my songs to the queue

Current Behavior

every song gets loaded into the queue

Steps to Reproduce

have a large amount of music and play a song from the tracks section

Possible Solution

add a limit the queue preferably adjustable and a docker environment variable for the queue limit for when other people use the web app


loading songs still happens it just takes a while its fairly annoying. since i intend to continue adding songs to my library the problem is only going to get worse

Application version


Operating System and version

webapp, desktop app

Server and Version


Node Version (if developing locally)

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