jeffvli / feishin

A modern self-hosted music player.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Release dates in discography view are displayed as timestamps #620

Closed Hydronicx closed 1 month ago

Hydronicx commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

Release dates should be displayed in the format they are given in the tags (e.g. just the year, or YYYY-MM-DD).

Current Behavior

In the "view discography" of an artist, release dates of albums display as full timestamps no matter the original format (e.g. 1997-01-01T05:00:00.000Z).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the artist page.
  2. Click "View discography".
  3. Check the release dates of the albums.

Possible Solution

Format the release dates appropriately.


No response

Application version


Operating System and version

Web client

Server and Version

Navidrome 0.52.5

Node Version (if developing locally)

No response

kgarner7 commented 1 month ago

I am unable to reproduce this, as they are all in short month, day, year format for me. Can you confirm if this behavior is also seen on

Hydronicx commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I must have confused the release date with the timestamp of the last play (in the "recently played" sorting order). (Also, I noticed that the duration shown in the "duration" sort seems to be given in ms without any formatting of hours, minutes, seconds.)

kgarner7 commented 1 month ago

Please test this behavior on latest web. None of what you describe is what currently exists image

Hydronicx commented 1 month ago

I should have noted that this is only an issue in the card and poster views, not the table view.

kgarner7 commented 1 month ago

Please include a screenshot of this behavior from, as I am not able to reproduce this either.

iiPythonx commented 1 month ago

This does in fact happen, strictly with the recently played sort order though: image

(And I can also reproduce the sort by duration view showing milliseconds)

kgarner7 commented 1 month ago

Resolved by In the future, it would be helpful if you could also include screenshots of your issue. Thanks iiPythonx for the clarification!