jeffwidman / bitbucket-issue-migration

A small script for migrating repo issues from Bitbucket to GitHub
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Creates invalid BitBucket user links for users without username #129

Open tbm opened 4 years ago

tbm commented 4 years ago

I got a wrong link like this:

{'body': '**[Original report]( '
         'by Dominik Aumayr (Bitbucket: [Dominik '
         'Aumayr]( Aumayr), ).**\n'

If you go to the issue at and hover over his name, you see his name but no user name. Whereas if I go to and hover over that user, I see a name and a user name.

So it seems some people don't have user names on BitBucket. In that case you shouldn't create a BitBucket link.

tbm commented 4 years ago

Here's a weird example: the first comment at

Blind Gaenger looks like a nick name, Bernd Jünger like the real name, but it's not clear if either is a valid BitBucker username.

magreenblatt commented 1 year ago

Names that include spaces (like "Dominik Aumayr") also don't display correctly as Markup links on Github:


It's probably best to just display these names without the link.