There is a XSS stored on plugin management, when you upload a plugin with a tag script on it (I tested on plugin name), the app evals the tag when you click on Plugin Info button
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import binascii
import socket
from pocsuite.poc import POCBase, Output
from pocsuite.utils import register
from pocsuite.api.utils import url2ip
class TestPOC(POCBase):
name = "Doublepulsar<script>alert()</script>"
vulID = ''
author = ['seebug']
vulType = 'Buffer Overflow'
version = '1.0'
references = ['']
desc = '''Doublepulsar backdoor'''
There is a XSS stored on plugin management, when you upload a plugin with a tag script on it (I tested on plugin name), the app evals the tag when you click on Plugin Info button