jeheydorn / nortantis

Nortantis is a fantasy map generator. It uses a simple tectonic plate simulation to create islands and continents with trees, rivers, and mountains. The result has the appearance of an old-fashioned hand-drawn map.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Quick Question RE: new Book txt files #1

Closed rjbprime closed 5 years ago

rjbprime commented 5 years ago

I have a question regarding the addition of new book txt files. Where would one find new premade sets to import? Or is it fairly easy to make new ones? Googling does not seem to bring up anything, but I must admit, I didn't look for long.

Is there a script of some sort to automate this, or is it done by hand?

jeheydorn commented 5 years ago

Those txt files are the output of a command line based Java program I wrote which uses Stanford's CoreNLP libraries. The parser finds noun-verb pairs, noun-adjective pairs, and names of people and places. The source code for the book parser is not included with the generator for a few reasons:

If you want the Java source code, I'd be happy to add it to a new public repository, but you would need to download the source code, compile it, and link it to Stanford CoreNLP. Are you still interested?

rjbprime commented 5 years ago

Nah, that's all good. Haven't done code compiling for several years, and I have trouble doing so nowadays. Haven't touched Java for even longer.

All good though, I'll just have to come up with place names instead, and add them after exporting the image.

jeheydorn commented 5 years ago

Sounds good.

By the way, as another option, you can use the editor in Nortantis to change place names before exporting the image. Just go to Launch Editor from the Editor menu, then select the text tool.

rjbprime commented 5 years ago

Yeah I saw that. Was hoping for an easy solution that I could get random place names from various real world cultures. All good though.