jeheydorn / nortantis

Nortantis is a fantasy map generator. It uses a simple tectonic plate simulation to create islands and continents with trees, rivers, and mountains. The result has the appearance of an old-fashioned hand-drawn map.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
70 stars 19 forks source link

Decoration Request: Scale Bar #19

Open Aran-Tar opened 2 weeks ago

Aran-Tar commented 2 weeks ago

It would be wonderful to be able to add scale bars to maps. Would also require text editing option. Thx, and keep up the great work!

jeheydorn commented 2 weeks ago

That does seem useful, although you have a point about text. You could create your own scale image and then either add the text to the image or use the Text tool to add text near it, but the downside to the latter is that if the text gets too close to the image, it will erase the image near the letters. Maybe in a future release I could remove the background erasing feature of text on decorations in the ocean.