jehugaleahsa / mustache-sharp

An extension of the mustache text template engine for .NET.
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Lowercasing of tokens? #31

Closed richard-edwards closed 10 years ago

richard-edwards commented 10 years ago

Is there a way to lowercase a token? I'm looking for something like {{Entity:lowercase}}. If Entity value is 'Ticket', then I want 'ticket'

richard-edwards commented 10 years ago

Sorry, missed the docs on this one. Created my own this way.

public class LowerTagDefinition : InlineTagDefinition

    public LowerTagDefinition()
        : base("lower")

    protected override IEnumerable<TagParameter> GetParameters()
        return new[] { new TagParameter("param") { IsRequired = true } };

    public override void GetText(TextWriter writer, Dictionary<string, object> arguments, Scope context)

Usage is : {{#lower MyVar}}

jehugaleahsa commented 10 years ago

There are two options, create a custom tag or override the KeyFound event.

Option 1:

public class LowerCaseTagDefinition : InlineTagDefinition
    private const string keyParameterName = "key";

    public LowerCaseTagDefinition()
        : base("lowercase")

    protected override IEnumerable<TagParameter> GetParameters()
        return new TagParameter[] { new TagParameter(keyParameterName) };

    public override void GetText(TextWriter writer, Dictionary<string, object> arguments, Scope context)
        object value;
        if (arguments.TryGetValue(keyParameterName, out value) && value != null)

// ...

FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
compiler.RegisterTag(new LowerCaseTagDefinition(), true);

Generator generator = compiler.Compile("{{#lowercase name}}");
string value = generator.Render(new { name = "Bob Smith" });

Option 2:

FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
Generator generator = compiler.Compile("{{name}}");
generator.KeyFound += (sender, e) => {
    e.Substitute = e.Substitute == null ? null : Convert.ToString(e.Substitute).ToLowerInvariant();
string value = generator.Render(new { name = "Bob Smith" });

The first approach has the benefit of giving more control over which tags are made lowercase. The second option is a lot less code. Although, if you want to control which keys are made lowercase, it becomes a bit of a pain. The second approach is also the only way to apply formatting via {{key:format}}.