jehy / telegram-test-api

Simple implimentation of telegram API which can be used for testing telegram bots
MIT License
98 stars 24 forks source link

create incomplete TypeScript type definitions #14

Closed kiwikern closed 5 years ago

kiwikern commented 5 years ago

The types are still incomplete and potentially not correct. They should be improved along the way. closes #12

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 82.833% when pulling 6a2f8fb3aaed18a59ca22f8bc9f187ad3047924f on kiwikern:type-defintions into de5b74e40d1d86f97a5af5acb5dee762b0f7f0ab on jehy:master.

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 82.833% when pulling 6a2f8fb3aaed18a59ca22f8bc9f187ad3047924f on kiwikern:type-defintions into de5b74e40d1d86f97a5af5acb5dee762b0f7f0ab on jehy:master.

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 82.833% when pulling 6a2f8fb3aaed18a59ca22f8bc9f187ad3047924f on kiwikern:type-defintions into de5b74e40d1d86f97a5af5acb5dee762b0f7f0ab on jehy:master.