Current master with a default config fails once it reaches the storeTimeout:
> telegram-test-api@2.4.5 start /home/vladimir/dev/telegram-test-api
> DEBUG=TelegramServer:* node --use_strict ./bin/start
TelegramServer:server Telegram API server config: {"protocol":"http","host":"localhost","port":9000,"storage":"RAM","storeTimeout":60000} +0ms
TelegramServer:server Telegram API server is up on port 9000 in development mode +11ms
TelegramServer:storage clearing storage +0ms
debugStorage(`current userMessages storage: ${}`);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'userMessages' of undefined
at Timeout.cleanUp [as _onTimeout] (/home/vladimir/dev/telegram-test-api/telegramServer.js:149:64)
at ontimeout (timers.js:498:11)
at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:323:5)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:290:5)
Coverage remained the same at 84.797% when pulling 2d61073791547aab498f23cad44e4e33c83f4e7f on mirlord:cleanup-npe into df2198b91ce8c8d57fb87d98ba5730740c250a20 on jehy:master.
Current master with a default config fails once it reaches the