jeichorn / Being-A-PHP-Developer-The-Nuts-And-Bolts

The basics to being a Web/PHP developer with a focus on basic knowledge as well as good practices
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Grammar Police #1

Open msypes opened 9 years ago

msypes commented 9 years ago


Again, a great presentation. Thanks! I'm just making editing notes here as I read. I read the first three pages. I'll come back and read more tomorrow.

On The Basics page, the phrase "This includes" should be "These include." The antecedent is "tools." On the same page "unit" should not be capitalized.

On Source Control: 1st sentence - s/developers/developer's s/well,/well; list- s/Subversions/Subversion s/Cvs/CVS paragraph after list- s/its a tool/it's a tool

Getting Started ... Version Control: s/Gui client,/GUI client; s/thats/that's s/redudant infrasructure/redundant infrastructure among screenshots- s/favorite/favorite editor s/uncommited/uncommitted "couple word title" is awkward. "short title" would be better.

"amend", huh? Wasn't familiar with that one. I learned something already. (Have to see if hg has something similar too, since I that mostly of late). Very useful!

Might be worth mentioning other GUIs too: e.g., SourceTree, SmartGitHg

Helpful tips list- s/Don't like gui's checkout/Don't like GUIs? Checkout

last paragraph- s/its/it's

jeichorn commented 9 years ago

Thanks, i haven't done any editing yet, so this is helpful -josh

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 3:41 PM, msypes wrote:


Again, a great presentation. Thanks! I'm just making editing notes here as I read. I read the first three pages. I'll come back and read more tomorrow.

  • Michael

On The Basics page, the phrase "This includes" should be "These include." The antecedent is "tools." On the same page "unit" should not be capitalized.

On Source Control: 1st sentence - s/developers/developer's s/well,/well; list- s/Subversions/Subversion s/Cvs/CVS paragraph after list- s/its a tool/it's a tool

Getting Started ... Version Control: s/Gui client,/GUI client; s/thats/that's s/redudant infrasructure/redundant infrastructure among screenshots- s/favorite/favorite editor s/uncommited/uncommitted "couple word title" is awkward. "short title" would be better.

"amend", huh? Wasn't familiar with that one. I learned something already. (Have to see if hg has something similar too, since I that mostly of late). Very useful!

Might be worth mentioning other GUIs too: e.g., SourceTree, SmartGitHg

Helpful tips list- s/Don't like gui's checkout/Don't like GUIs? Checkout

last paragraph- s/its/it's

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msypes commented 9 years ago

It's been a while but I'm back. (I figure the least I can do after your great talk, is go through the whole book.) Development Environments: In the last sentence of the last paragraph of the intro, you mention PuPHPet using "puppet" without really introducing the latter. It might help to include puppet &/or PuPHPet in the earlier bullet list


2 s/Vargrant/Vagrant

4 s/,/.

Composer First sentence: s/lets/let's Installing: s/you. But if not its/you, but if not it's Example Project: s/-Example, you can fork/Example. You can fork Installing deps s/Its/It's

Source control and the vendor dir Yes! I have been wondering about that, so thanks, that's useful information, to consider that composer-installed projects have their own git repos, and incorporating them into your own project could pose problems. s/Whats this psr-4 stuff/What's this psr-4 stuff And why is this here? There's nothing in what comes earlier on the page to connect to this section. My initial reaction when I read this was "What this psr-4 stuff?"

Cloud Servers Tutorial Something's messed up with the formatting where you list good server options.

(I'll finish the book in another comment.)

msypes commented 9 years ago

This should be my last installment:

Deployment s/Its generally a good idea/It's generally a good idea s/it better/it's better That last sentence is great advice in general. It reminds me of something a mentor told me early on -- Don't spend too much time anticipating problems. Counter-intuitively, it's better to be too reactive than too proactive. You don't have a crystal ball.

2 "roll user?" Should that be "role?" Or just jargon I'm missing?

s/reload the page its gone/reload the page it's gone

3 s/all there ips/all their IPs

s/Madrill/ Mandrill (Funny, a client of mine just asked me about them vs SendGrid.) s/and its a great solution/and it's a great solution (You're having a lot of difficulty with this it seems.)

5 s/Its kicked/It's kicked

7 s/the check/then check

8 s/deploy load/deploy, load

s/browser, you/browser. You

9 s/dir) do/dir), do

s/customization functionality/custom functionality s/its using/it's using

..The Right Tool s/but its not the solution/but it's not the solution

Things you should know s/new too development/new to development

Wow! That was great. When I'm ready to take the plunge, or climb to the next level, i'll be back. If I come across any relevant links for tutorials, I'll pass them on. Again, thanks for making this available.