Some classes that extend AsyncBase contain a member field Ctx. The field implements INngCtx which does not implement IDisposable but the actual implementation class NngCtx does. This leads to the implementation never disposing of the Ctx field and leaking memory when the async context is disposed of.
You can reproduce it by running this code. If you run it in Visual Studio using heap profiling, you can see that every 100 ms there will be an allocation originating from nng.dll:
using nng;
var factory = nng.NngLoadContext.Init(new(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location)));
using var repSocket = factory.ReplierOpen().ThenListen("inproc://1").Unwrap();
while (true)
using var repAsyncCtx = repSocket.CreateAsyncContext(factory).Unwrap();
await Task.Delay(100);
Adding this line to the while loop makes the allocations dissappear (i.e. memory is freed):
Some classes that extend AsyncBase contain a member field Ctx. The field implements INngCtx which does not implement IDisposable but the actual implementation class NngCtx does. This leads to the implementation never disposing of the Ctx field and leaking memory when the async context is disposed of.
You can reproduce it by running this code. If you run it in Visual Studio using heap profiling, you can see that every 100 ms there will be an allocation originating from nng.dll:
Adding this line to the while loop makes the allocations dissappear (i.e. memory is freed):